Saturday, March 21, 2009

ah rindu!

I am craving for doughnuts
I am craving for BIG APPLE!

The food i'm dying to eat!:(


finii said...

dont they have it there ? hahaha . xD

nur hanina said...

not here in my town.
they have it in cairo
not that i'm going to travel an hour to cairo just to get doughnuts.
eh come to think about it, sure i'm willing to do that IF i can:)
i just dont know how:(

nik qistienna. said...

balik malaysiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
macam macam adaaaa. hihik ;)
aku homesick ni deyh
doyai tekanan jiwa!

izzati said...

meh akak poskan big kamu tanam je APPLE PALING BESA..lebeyh kurang je

finii said...

hahaha . the fact is , malaysia is the best country of food in the whole wide world ! :P

nur hanina said...

hehe tak bes an homesick,tina:)

kakti bleh je pos ar bebanyak
ahaa ala big apple tu buat ape sini pun ade.hehe nak bigg apple lainn:(

and yes fini you are sooooooo right! thats why i miss malaysia so much!/aha

Irfan F-one-R said...


aku baru jer makan big apple lepas kau post entri nih.. har3..

yummy2.. donut cokelat itu amat menyelerakan.. har3..

dgn krim di dalamnye menceceh kuar sewaktu aku mengoyaknyer.. pergghh... nikmat beb..

biler abes jer menjilat jari aku.. huermmm.. len kali beli lagi lah.. gyahahahahaha~!!