16 days to go?
Are you f*ing kidding me? (!)
*crying my eyes out
there are things i wish i could still do
there are people i still want to meet
and you know, i have some plans for these 2 weeks thats left
-go watch movie with mea and brother.
-go to kak nisa's wedding on saturday (!)
-ares's gonna blanje me mcD yay
-belanja raja kambeng. LOL nak kambeng jugak? = ="
Are you f*ing kidding me? (!)
*crying my eyes out
there are things i wish i could still do
there are people i still want to meet
and you know, i have some plans for these 2 weeks thats left
-go watch movie with mea and brother.
-go to kak nisa's wedding on saturday (!)
-ares's gonna blanje me mcD yay
-belanja raja kambeng. LOL nak kambeng jugak? = ="
-play bunga api. yay i have a box of bunga api. mercun mercun tak main ek.
and the list goes on.
You know, im quite satisfied with this holiday because i went back to my hometown.
its been two years you know *wink wink* :)))
Got duit raya also, maybe not too much because erk, im a grown-up?
haha but its enough la
Though its not enough to cover the money i spent for shopping(!) im still satisfied.
Should be grateful kan
At least its enough to buy a new pair of shoe and a sweater? ^.^"
But its a matter of time before they stop giving me duit raya.
na-ah, nada, nil, zip, zero, nothing! T.T
And just now i went to mea's for a makan-makan.
I thought theres not gonna be anyone i know except for Kam Loon, which i warned from the start to come early (!)
but it turned out, it was like a reunion
haha ex-primaryschoolmate, ex-tuitionmates-fb-mates, jiran? haha , alexmate and the list goes on.
Finally get to meet kam loon lah. the one i always bully. thanks for the mentos la weh.
haha used to curi your mentos everytime
and amelia also, the cute girl that i havent met for a few years already! and heman too! :D
and there's dan. (Dan , name dan ada ni! terharu tak?)
selalu chat dekat facebook je, tapi tadi jumpe pulak :P
and there's this one girl who is studying in alexandria tooo!
amirah afeeqa
haa she takes denstistry but you see, im still excited.
at least there's someone in alex that knows the people i know (!)
a lot of them :P
and the list goes on.
You know, im quite satisfied with this holiday because i went back to my hometown.
its been two years you know *wink wink* :)))
Got duit raya also, maybe not too much because erk, im a grown-up?
haha but its enough la
Though its not enough to cover the money i spent for shopping(!) im still satisfied.
Should be grateful kan
At least its enough to buy a new pair of shoe and a sweater? ^.^"
But its a matter of time before they stop giving me duit raya.
na-ah, nada, nil, zip, zero, nothing! T.T
And just now i went to mea's for a makan-makan.
I thought theres not gonna be anyone i know except for Kam Loon, which i warned from the start to come early (!)
but it turned out, it was like a reunion
haha ex-primaryschoolmate, ex-tuitionmates-fb-mates, jiran? haha , alexmate and the list goes on.
Finally get to meet kam loon lah. the one i always bully. thanks for the mentos la weh.
haha used to curi your mentos everytime
and amelia also, the cute girl that i havent met for a few years already! and heman too! :D
and there's dan. (Dan , name dan ada ni! terharu tak?)
selalu chat dekat facebook je, tapi tadi jumpe pulak :P
and there's this one girl who is studying in alexandria tooo!
amirah afeeqa
haa she takes denstistry but you see, im still excited.
at least there's someone in alex that knows the people i know (!)
a lot of them :P
one happy family at home :))
this is the amirah afeeqa. :)) yeah that one Mus Dan Nina Kam Loon >.<"
and last but not least, a little advice from me.
eh ehh..ada nama dan laaaa.. :PP
hahahaha...so apa pendapat nina tentang dan? kata "slalu chat kat fb je" kan..so apa komen bila jumpa reality? hahahahaha! interview sket :P
hahaa pendapat
dan memang hensem, kacak, bergaya, style, baik.
oke tak sanggup tanggung dosa menipu.
nak jujur ke ni? gagaga
jujur mesti hodoh, selekeh, busuk, loser kan? xpe la nina..dan paham...dan sedar dan siapa...apalah sangat dan di mata nina.....
jgn nak bajet sgt dan :P
kalau jujur sbenarnye nina terkejut dan datang tadi
sebab tu lari dapur kejap.
ahahaa nak kena absorb kejap :P
maleh la nak puji dan
nnt prasan. haha
ohhh!!! serious. padan la dan perasan jap mcm nina ada kat depan kejap pastu dapur kejap then depan balik..pastu mia cam marah2..HAHA! laaa...dan je kot..xperlu nak formal sgt..dan xpakai suit mcm obama pun :P
haha tade ar terkejut jelaa
pstu oke je kan.
ahaha dan banyak ckp!
yeah komen pertama. haha
yg sebenarnya nina..dan ni petah orgnya..nobel prize public speaking dah dekat 90X...obama punya speech, najib nya speech..mostly dan yg prepare kan...bukan la nak bangga ke apa..tapi cam...cam..haishhh..hahahahaha! XP
uit. uit, nina. aha. :)
wah tak boleh menang dengan nina
bukan setakat speech.
apa dia nak cakap every single second tu nina yang preparekan
biaselah orang fames. semua benda boleh jadi kontroversi kan
so nina tolong la sikit sikit
so kire dorg fames ape sume ni nina yg tolong la. haha
ooooit iezyyy hehehe :D
ninaaaaa...... !
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