The goddamnweek has finally over
aiish setelah meratap pemergian laptop tersayang selama lebih kurang seminggu
aku abadikan semula engkau di atas meja kayu tajaan mara ni
aku tak ada lah rindu sangat nak online
*okay aku tipu hari hari aku rasa macam nak menanges tengok orang online*
tapi wtf kan,
pegi mati lah diorang. haha asalkan aku bahagia
*ok aku tipu jugak. aku tak bahagia pun -__-*
aku jealous nak mati rasa macam nak tembak tembak sema orang sebab jealous dengan budak budak tahun lain yang cuti lepas exam
manaa aci siyot korang cuti enjoyyy kitorang cuti pegang buku T____T
tsk tsk *menangis sambil guleng guleng.*
ketensionan exam ni rasa macam kepala aku dipecah pecah pecah pecah argh.
ok end. karang kalau aku cakap pasal exam teremoshit lebih pulak
mulalah ada orang mengomplen, kau ni emo je lebih nina.
apa lah dosa aku kan T_T
apa lagi yang menarik
oh ya, sambutan maulidur rasul
ok ini first time aku sambut dengan bermaruah
i mean dengan betul betul insaf
sebab sebelum ni kat sekolah kalau ada sambutan maulidur rasul aku pergi..
ermm, aku pergi....
entah la tak ingat pulak macam mana sambutan dulu sebab tak pernah ambik kesah pun
tapi pergh insaf jugak lah
terasa macam jauh -__-, jahat?
ok ok fine nasib baik aku tercampak kat egypt ni
kalau duduk kat malaysia tak tahu lah nak jadi macam mana. -__-
yang penting sekarang
aku rindu makanan malaysia
rojak buah laksa mihun sup, char kuey teaw manaaa?
ikan steam pecal sambal petai
tempoyak, tauhu.
hah ambek kau semua makanan tempatan keluar.
last but not least.
aku rindu sekolah
sumpah rindu gila
memang terhebat lah. tada sapa boleh lawan geng geng sekolah dulu
kawan kawan sekarang macam seorang, seorang semakin jauh.
bukan semakin dekat -__-
semua fikir untuk diri sendiri. adoy
ye lah daripada sekolah rendah ke sekolah menengah kawan sama je kan, duduk pun dekat dekat apa apa pun buat sama sama.
sekarang ni sorang sana sorang sini. semua ada perangai masing masing
tutup mata. bukak balik.
aku harap bila aku bukak mata masa kembali zaman dulu. baru aku boleh senyum sepanjang masa
bukan menangis hentak hentak kaki hari hari masa bangun tidur T___T
ok end. benda takkan terjadi. terima kenyataan, move on
move on, ohoi aku ingat hari tu aku dah move on dah, tak rupanya.
enough membebel
pergi belajar -__-
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
an addiction.
This is such a torture
I am tortured.
Huwaaaa. T____________T *no, seriously i feel like crying right now*
It started last night, when i was staring at the laptop,
a thought came across my mind
nina : "weh ape kate kita puasa facebook ngn ym seminggu"
asilah tk : "oh okay set!"
and yeah, thats how it started. just like that
Its been almost 24 hours since i last signed in my facebook and ym account
and you know, studying with this bloody laptop in front of me,
You have no idea how i feel. knowing that i could just type my not-so-long id, click the log in button and tah-dah,
but i control myself, theres no turning back,
you have to finish what you started
and i have to be strong.
huwaaaa its normal for me to refresh my fb again and again, every half an hour, check my notifications, reply what needed to be replied, read peoples status.
but now.
another night , still staring at the laptop helplessly
i can stand the dont-online-for-a-week if,
only if
a) there is no internet connection and i am aware that theres no possibility that i can go online
b) I am busy doing something else
c) I am away from home doing other things.
but no, this time the internet connection is, urh i cant say that its good, but the globe is there; and i can go online. and i am like super duper boring, and i dont have any other things to do other than revising hell yes for sure.
Facebook, ym are like caffeine in my nescafe,
An addiction i cant control.
But you know, if i dont stop now, then when/?
I have to put an end to this freaking addiction
I want to live a normal life.
These two shitty things are big destractions for me
luckily, blogger is not a part of the deal.
so here i am,
writing and writing. finding the right words to say.
ONE WEEK and its all over.
Just one week nina.
I hope i can make it. Im not sure myself. This one day feels like a year for me.
Go nina go!
p/s: tolong jangan contohi perangai saya. tak elok bukak facebook dengan ym tapi dah terbiasa hari hari online benda benda tu daripada form 1 lagi T_T. sangat teruk kan saya *sigh*
I am tortured.
Huwaaaa. T____________T *no, seriously i feel like crying right now*
It started last night, when i was staring at the laptop,
a thought came across my mind
nina : "weh ape kate kita puasa facebook ngn ym seminggu"
asilah tk : "oh okay set!"
and yeah, thats how it started. just like that
Its been almost 24 hours since i last signed in my facebook and ym account
and you know, studying with this bloody laptop in front of me,
You have no idea how i feel. knowing that i could just type my not-so-long id, click the log in button and tah-dah,
but i control myself, theres no turning back,
you have to finish what you started
and i have to be strong.
huwaaaa its normal for me to refresh my fb again and again, every half an hour, check my notifications, reply what needed to be replied, read peoples status.
but now.
another night , still staring at the laptop helplessly
i can stand the dont-online-for-a-week if,
only if
a) there is no internet connection and i am aware that theres no possibility that i can go online
b) I am busy doing something else
c) I am away from home doing other things.
but no, this time the internet connection is, urh i cant say that its good, but the globe is there; and i can go online. and i am like super duper boring, and i dont have any other things to do other than revising hell yes for sure.
Facebook, ym are like caffeine in my nescafe,
An addiction i cant control.
But you know, if i dont stop now, then when/?
I have to put an end to this freaking addiction
I want to live a normal life.
These two shitty things are big destractions for me
luckily, blogger is not a part of the deal.
so here i am,
writing and writing. finding the right words to say.
ONE WEEK and its all over.
Just one week nina.
I hope i can make it. Im not sure myself. This one day feels like a year for me.
Go nina go!
p/s: tolong jangan contohi perangai saya. tak elok bukak facebook dengan ym tapi dah terbiasa hari hari online benda benda tu daripada form 1 lagi T_T. sangat teruk kan saya *sigh*
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I am not a lunatic ;(
Holiday is almost over.
Well i cant really say this holiday is the best i ever had,
because obviously, it is not.
I just spent my holiday taking people in and out,
went to Zagazig, to clear a little space in my mind.
and home again, took people here and there.
A lot of money spent tho i went nowhere. cool/ oh so not cool.
The thing that keeps bothering me, day and night, sleep or awake,
God knows how much exam drives me insane.
The stupidest thing is they set our exam after our holiday
so i spent my holiday worrying about exam all the time, wherever i was.
and you know, coming home from wherever, seeing others holding their books, revising, studying,
ruins my mood.
seriously, i cant stand watching them read and keep on reading while i was, uhm God knows wherever i was.
The thing is, this holiday ive been busy with stuff. i tried to spend my time at home, but things keep bothering me with this plan and that plan,
Ive been spending so little time on books.
and you know, reading people's status like,
*study time starts now*
*ah pening nye chapter ni*
*ooh study study. exam nak dekat *
*sakitnya kepala baca bku buku ni*
They drove me even crazier
i beg you, like really begging you/?
because seriously people drive me crazy with such status.
everytime i read such kind of status, i go mad realizing that everyone has been very busy studying while i was away, doing freaking other things
ARGH now i want to scream at the top of my lung.
and please again, stop doing the now-i-ask-and-you-answer-the-question kind of thing.
especially during our day out. it was supposed to be a day out, out from the world of books and stuff.
i wanted to stop thinking about exam and enjoy my outing. and when people ask things like that, and i couldnt answer the bloody question, i became depressed thinking
"how could i not know the answer for the question? exam is just around the corner for heaven's sakes!
not in a good mood
always not in a good mood. now i feel like crying already T_T
and yesterday listening to the talk by prof hatta and his wife,
i realize that life isnt such an easy thing,
its not a game, it needs sacrifices that i do not know whether or not i am ever going to be able to make it,
And they have been married since 19/ thats my age fyi.
how on earth did they manage their time with the marriage, and their kid with the exams, during h/o, yet still be able to become a very very successfull person, now. How did it ever occur in their mind that during final year, when they had no one to take care of their kid, they decided one of them must fail the exam.
That is such a big thing to do,
and i dont know whether or not im gonna be able to make such decision ;(
i want to be a good person.
i really want to.
and trying . -__-
and for those who went for holiday and brought home some souvenirs for me,
big thanks
i do appreciate it.
it doesnt really matter if you dont give me nothing
no hard feelings.
i was just joking around when i said
"jalan jalan tu jangan lupa aku."
seriously, no hard feelings. but then, you guys still brought me something from wherever you were.
thank you very much. i love you guys :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
melawat zoo zagazig.
Pada hari sabtu yang lalu, saya melawat zoo bersama dua orang kawan saya.
Kami membayar 2 genih untuk masuk.
Ini adalah kali pertama saya ke zoo. Sebelum ini saya tidak pernah mahu ke zoo. Kawan saya memaksa saya pergi jadi saya terpaksa pergi.
Terdapat banyak haiwan di sana. (saya tipu. sebenarnya sangat sikit)
Pertama saya melihat bangau, yang saya sangkakan ostrich( sejak bila ostrich duduk dalam air)
Saya juga dapat bercakap cakap dengan unta.

Saya amat kagum melihat dalam zoo juga ada kucing. Nak tengok kucing tak payah pergi zoo merata rata ada. Namun begitu, saya terima dengan hati terbuka kehadiran kucing kucing tersebut di dalam zoo.
Kami hanya teruja untuk menangkap gambar sahaja. Kami suka menangkap gambar bersama haiwan haiwan.
Di dalam zoo tersebut ada badak juga, 2 ekor badak. hebat. badak badak tersebut tidur. Apa guna letak badak tersebut dalam zoo jika ia asyik tidur bukan. jangan tanya saya, tanya tuan punya zoo.
namun begitu saya sring menjerit melihat haiwan. Saya balik kepenatan kerana penat menjerit. Bak kata rakan saya " binatang apa yang hang tak takut asyik dok jerit ja?"
Maafkan saya. Saya tak faham mengapa saya takut dengan semua binatang tersebut. Kasihan mereka :(
Saya pelik kerana dalam zoo tersebut tiada harimau, singa, ular, dan haiwan haiwan eksotik yang lain. Jauh panggang dari api daripada apa yang selalu saya dengar ada di dalam zoo.
Dalam zoo juga ada bumper car. hebat bukan? Apa kaitan bumper car dengan zoo? jikalau dia meletakkan kereta api mini logik juga. Tapi bumper car?? bumper car??
Kesimpulannya, pengalaman sehari di zoo ini sangat bosan. Lepas ini saya tak mahu pergi ke zoo lagi. Saya sudah bertaubat.

p/s: saya rindu buat karangan sekolah rendah. Cikgu, bagi saya markah penuh boleh?
Monday, February 8, 2010
mode: post yang agak touching.
Aku bangun pagi dengan bunyi bising tawa riang di luar
"ahh g mampos aku nak tido". lantas menarik saratoga dan membenamkan mukaku kedalamm ketebalan saratoga yang mengasyikkan.
tiba tiba
"nina aku nak pergi dah"
'aaaaaaaaa? nak pergi dahhh ke? huwaaa"
Aku bangun pagi dengan bunyi bising tawa riang di luar
"ahh g mampos aku nak tido". lantas menarik saratoga dan membenamkan mukaku kedalamm ketebalan saratoga yang mengasyikkan.
tiba tiba
"nina aku nak pergi dah"
'aaaaaaaaa? nak pergi dahhh ke? huwaaa"
Hari ini dengan rasminya mereka berangkat ke sinai.
kawan baik, teman sebilik, teman serumah
aku ditinggalkan terkapai kapai sendirian tanpa arah tujuan
hilang erti hidup, hilang makna keindahan
Aku tak sanggup menanti detik detik waktuuu mereka kembali.
Jangann tinggal daku,
oo dewii or juwitaaaa.
di saat ini lirik lagu p ramlee terngiang ngiang di telingaku.
aku tahu aku harus tabah dalam menghadapi 4 hari yang panjang ini
sehari kurasa bagaikan setahun lamanya menunggu tibanya oh bahagia
lagu kedua yang menggambarkan perasaan aku saat ini, tika ini, detik ini.
aku cuba menahan air mata dari menitis *okay ini hiperbola tapi so what?*
p/s: asilah kurang ajar kau. aku dah cakap jangan bawak boncet kenape kau degil sangat niii!!
bawak senyap senyap pulak tu. tinggalkan note je. takpe takpe kau balik nanti siap lah. ahaha!
ni boncet dengan bubu.
p/s/s : korang, jaga diri elok elok. Jangan tinggal solat, jangan lupa doa, panjat tu baca doa banyak banyak, kuatkan hati, teguhkan azam. aku tahu korang boleh. *bajet baik kejap *
okay lah nak sambung meng-whatever-i-was-doing :)) have an enjoyable trip weh! tatatatataaaaa :DD

dah panjat dah la weh tak jealous pun korang pergi ;p
Saturday, February 6, 2010
satu dua tiga empat

mine is cuter. (the soft pink one :))
everyone left for maarod. sored and i are the only left in this bloody house.
i thought its going to be bullshit
but it turned out okay.
I am going to my so called hometown next week
not gonna spend my whole two weeks here
can't wait. already missing La Tansa. whoahhhh sedap ^^
nothing to tell nothing to share
enjoy your holiday guys :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
oh so its here already? really? = =
So yea yea yeaaa yeaa
Winter break is here. am i supposed to be happy or what?
this is more like a study leave to me,
exam in less than a month. cool. cool. cool
lets make it a longer version of cool
well i have 0 plan for this holiday
except for revising all the subjects i do not understand.
only if i have the mood. so i hope the mood will be there all holiday long or else i aint gonna touch nothing
nothing for heaven's sakes.
why is medic so hard anyway? hee
ooh yeah
p/s : kalauuu kau orang dah jalan jalan jauh jauh tu jangan la lupa aku okay :) souvenirs babes souvenirs itu penting! xD
Winter break is here. am i supposed to be happy or what?
this is more like a study leave to me,
exam in less than a month. cool. cool. cool
lets make it a longer version of cool
well i have 0 plan for this holiday
except for revising all the subjects i do not understand.
only if i have the mood. so i hope the mood will be there all holiday long or else i aint gonna touch nothing
nothing for heaven's sakes.
why is medic so hard anyway? hee
ooh yeah
p/s : kalauuu kau orang dah jalan jalan jauh jauh tu jangan la lupa aku okay :) souvenirs babes souvenirs itu penting! xD
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loving you
I know by heart that you wont be this baik giving us free call to any number
but your stupid mistake made us all happy
I called so many people and talked for hours
hee usually every morning everyone goes to class with a boring face, a i-want-to-continue-my-sleep face and everything but yesterday almost every one went to class with a phone on the hand
and i was talking to my cousin
anyway the call is over but it doesnt seem to matter no more because i've had enough talk ;))
so once again, CELCOM I LOVE YOU
although this is actually not my sim but my brother's so thanks hafiz! ;)
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loving you
I know by heart that you wont be this baik giving us free call to any number
but your stupid mistake made us all happy
I called so many people and talked for hours
hee usually every morning everyone goes to class with a boring face, a i-want-to-continue-my-sleep face and everything but yesterday almost every one went to class with a phone on the hand
and i was talking to my cousin
anyway the call is over but it doesnt seem to matter no more because i've had enough talk ;))
so once again, CELCOM I LOVE YOU
although this is actually not my sim but my brother's so thanks hafiz! ;)
Monday, February 1, 2010
tiada motif
post hari ini.
tiada apa yang boleh dikongsikan
cuma mahu mengetest portable keyboard yang baru dibeli sebentar tadi
sedapp siot typinggg aaaaa aku sukaaa!
tiada apa yang boleh dikongsikan
cuma mahu mengetest portable keyboard yang baru dibeli sebentar tadi
sedapp siot typinggg aaaaa aku sukaaa!
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