Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh money $$$$

I spent a lot of money in Malaysia,
Well its not my fault that i overspent.
Stuff here are damn good really(!)
I brought home some money so i could buy stuff but i promised myself to only use half of it
Because i accidentally withdrawed more than i wanted to.

I still have one month to spend here but the half is already gone. T.T

What have i done?
What have i done?
*knocking my head over and over again

You know i should start being a little bit more like before.
I managed to save a lot :D
i didnt buy nothing except food food because during the first few months my levelmates cook everyday
and you see, we spent only one and nus genih permeal. cool!:)
Since we get to cook next year.
I should save more and more and more.
++++ i dislike shopping in egypt.
Because the stuff are just not, you know, eye-catching?

But wait, what the hell am i gonna do with the savings?
Ergh im not sure yet, buy a car perhaps? go shopping?
*no, no, car? for now thats not gonna happen. shopping? neh, im not sure. sounds fun but...we'll see. LOL
whateves, i just hate being broke. :))


miss asilah said...

duet lebih2 tu ko blanje ak jelahh ;pp takyah pening2 pikir muahaha

nur hanina said...

bolehh bolehh
boleh belah! haha

nursyahera bahtiar said...

aku pon tak suka shopping kat egypt
tak best langsung

nur hanina said...

haha exactly! Barang die x kena taste kut