Holiday is over
class has started in the new building, not a good one i can say
because the class is nothing like our lecture hall.
Just like my tuition class back when i was in form 5
I couldn't even see the slide -___-

Our new uni. sorry there's no picture of the class next time maybe (:
And i was blamed when the girls dominated the front seats on the first day,
Talk to those who sat in front not to me bacause i sat at the BACK TOO REMEMBER?
We lost in futsal.
It doesnt really matter. We didnt play to win, though it would be better if we won
But starting from now on we will play futsal once every two weeks insyaAllah :)
Semangat! semangat yang kita mahukan! -____-
And last week shifa and aineen came to alex
and it was a SURPRISE! to see them at the istad.
whoah datang tak bagitahuu yer korang. ngeng
and we went to green plaza along with kak nisa and played go-kart
It has been ages since i last played!
*tipu tipu baru main before masuk ksp ^ ^
suka suka especially untuk aku yang belum ada lesen kereta
wth! nak jugak bawak kereta. siap lah kau aku ambik lesen nanti
p/s: tak sempat nak ambik dulu T_T

mereka di bilik saya. okay ignore the messy katil because they came early in the morning i didnt have time to make my bed. INI BUKAN ALASAN SEMATA MATA!
yesterday i was asked to cook udang. and i was already super duper excited until i see the prawns.
haiwan eksotik mana pulak ni. pelik gila udang dia. jadi tak semangat pulak masak T__T nak rasa pun tak berani . Nama udang ini udang lipan bak kata mereka. banyak di malaysia bak kata mereka juga tetapi kenapa aku tak pernah nampak pun -___-
luckily that night we went to seafood restaurant to celebrate jujue's birthday
Happy birthday darling !! :))
pasni, jgn korang berani masak lagi bende uh..!! ak tgok pon mcm ulat mane nta..!! huhu (ak makan jugak bende tu sebenarnye( :p
ramainye yg pakai saratoga yg serupa.
haha keco ah kau asilah
aku yg kene masak kut bukan kau!
patut hari kau! haha
kat asrama mara saye je pakai saratoga tuu yang lain pakai yang lagi mahal lembut punyaa. T_T
tapi saratoga ni panas sukaa :)
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