What kind of war?
jeng jeng jengggg
sama sama kita nantikannnn,. ^ ^
You know that our new university is like 10 minutes away from our asrama mara BY TAXI not by walking *can imagine how far it is? ^ ^*
So the first war is …
taxi war. xD
When the class starts at 8, everyone will be waiting for the taxi since about 7 -___-.
and i have to wake up like 2 hours earlier, aka 6 am. Whoa awal gila kan? * sigh*
dulu dulu bangun satu jam awal je. T_T
here you can see 'adegan-perebutan -teksi –antara- penghuni –penghuni- asrama- mara' happen, almost everyday.
and here we can also see all the gentlemen become not-so-gentlemen anymore since everyone wants to arrive to class early.

see? many people were already waiting for the taxi.
why so early?
because here goes the second war.
wait for it, wait for it.
You know how unfair it is when our lecture hall is so not like a lecture hall.
2nd year and 3rd year etc have a normal lecture hall,
unlike us, like i mentioned in my previous post,
our lecture hall is like a tuition class, packed, crowded and, messy? -__-"
and to get the front seat, you have to arrive like an hour earlier.
in this case, every second counts,
even if you are 30 minutes earlier, youre still gonna sit at the back row.
and i thought arriving 30 minutes earlier are early enough but when i arrived all the front seats were already taken and i was like "THE BACK SEAT?? AGAIN?!!!"
To see those empty front seats that have to be saved for the guys,
its not fair. Girls come early and they have to sit at the back. Guys come late but they get to sit in front?
Hey first come first serve lah. aiyoh.
Toleration is very important right now kan? haish nasib baik korang batchmates aku. Kalau tak fikir nak duduk sama sama 6 tahun dah lama aku bedal tempat korang. -__-"
You sure know that sitting at the back row sucks.
i couldnt even see the whole slides. All I could see are the big heads of the guys sitting in front. T__T
And everyone will jengket jengket to see whats written on the slide. (*&^%$##$%^&%$
see how crowded it is. luckily i got to sit in front two days straight. say what??? xD
Sebagai pelajar perubatan, saya amat mengharapkan lokasi pembelajaran kami ditukar kerana tempat tersebut sangat tidak strategik dan merimaskan saya rasa macam nak.. macam nak.. macam nak.. *speechless*
at least our new laboratory is better than the old one :P
korg ramai, mybe sbb tu xsesuai letak kt lecture hall 2nd n 3rd year.
ade hikmah tu.
kul 6 tu cm dh nak abes subuh je.
awalkan sejam.
same je sratus lebih je pun
serious tak nampak kt situ seksa gila T.T
erk dah sembahyang awal dah tapi tertido balik. -__-
insyaAllah lepas ni cuba awak tak tido dah :)
LOL it's only a 15 min walk from my house to class, so I can wake up at 8 and still manage to be in class at 8.30~
dak laki dok depan?
patutnya yang awal la bole pilih nak dok mana2.
naik teksi je?
(kaya pakcik2 teksi!! XD)
dah cuba bas atau tramco? (kat mahattah atau kat tepi pantai ada rasanya. kat manshiah ada port tramco2)
thats so unfair
we have to go to class like an hour earlier kut.
aah nak buat mcm mana diorang ckp mcm tuuu diorang kate sbb laki sikit cane ntah malas nak gado gado xDD
oohhh haha jauh ar tramco naik teksi lah cepat. balik slalu naik tram je xD
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