Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hey-yo 010111

Oh hey- yo 2011
Bye byee 2010.

Overall, last year was awesome. not.
Too many challenges, too many obstacles. However, i should say Alhamdulillah instead of cursing and complaining because of what, students?

Everything happens for a reason
. Yes right.

So basically, last year was the year of adapting

But it was also a good year come to think about it

I had 3 awesome roommates ; Yes im starting to miss you guys now ;(
I understood the sacrifices that have to be done as a medic student ;(
I discovered my true friends. The bffs :) and the best friends :D weee
Had a strong bond with ex-sectionmates. Though we aren't together anymore, you guys still rock! whoo.
I fell in love, again
I got my heart broken, again.
I learnt that sometimes i have to let go.
I became super-over-extremely independant. hell yeah.
I realized however sad i am, i have awesome friends/friend? who are/is ready to listen to all my craps and babblings.
*as the saying goes; i may be lonely but i am never alone. never.
I realize that i actually miss my family and siblings and cousins like a real lot ;(

Forget about the past, about the tears the emotional stuff, close the damn book and move on!
Yes cheer up cheer up.

And ive officially not officially entered the -ty zone.
Haha old enough now?
But to officially enter the -ty zone, i have to wait for dec 24th to come lah kan?
That makes me younger than all of my mates. gah-ah *evil laugh

P/s: abah cakap umur 21 baru besar. baru boleh kahwin.
wah wah lagi setahun dah boleh kahwin lah
but then first i have to go find the calons first lah kan? kekekee
not that im saying i want to get married at 21. sangat mengarut. saya kecik lagi. bluek

Anyway have a great day. Have a great year.


Faisal said...

happy new year nayna :)

nur hanina said...

happy new year NAF :)

Izyan Hanis said...

HAppy New Year Nina