Well basically 2009 has finally over and here comes 2010. So, hello 2010! :)
Im looking forward to meeting you .
Hee I think its not too late to wish you a happy new year ^__^
Im going to babble a lot in this post and this is a bloody long one so i have to warn you. its nonsense i just feel like compiling my one year life in a post. hee
A lot of things happened during this one year
To tell the truth, 2009 is the longest and the most challenging year I ever had.
My first time with everything. Hee
It started almost one year ago,
Semua nak mengenjoykan diri kan, but as for me, time nak enjoy tu kind of gone.
Echeh I had to fly to Egypt to further study in Medic,
Why medic?
To tell the truth, before this I never ever ever imagined myself, being a doctor, never! I even vowed to myself NOT to be one. I hate blood, nak inject pun takut i cant bear seeing people got cut and everything about that but Allah had it all planned for me. Now i have accept the fact that I was fated to take medic, in Egypt.
How lucky I am. Alhamdulilah :)
That was a very big challenge for me, Ive never been away from country, family, friends. I spent my 18 years in keramat around same people same place same things almost everyday. Without any preparation at all, i had to leave all of them behind. I received the news on dec 28th that my flight will be on jan 9. I had about 2 weeks to settle my passport, my stuff, all the borangs and everything. Huu sumpa rushing gile. Physically and mentally not prepared. Physical boleh jugak kan tolong tapi kalauu mental tak prepare, apa nak buat? Jadi gila sebentar. -.-"
So I arrived there safely, belajar hidup sendiri, buat kerja sendiri, survive sendiri. I think I became stronger that way
I’ve never been around strangers, yes by that time everyone was stranger. I didn’t talk to nobody. I was fcking quiet. Tak reti kawan ngn orang. I was bloody pathetic trust me -__- my fault jugak because Ive been around the same people all these years. I never knew how to make new friends by myself. Kalaulah at least ada one person I know pun okay. But I was completely alone. I became a freak, semua orang tak suka sayaa, sayaa tauu. Plus, Otak yang baru habis spm dimampatkann dengan segala jadah tentang medic saya boleh jadi bengong. So I didn’t concentrate well dlm kelas,most of my classmates tuu dah belajar dahh kt u dulu, so self esteem pun menjunam juga. Rasa diri tak pandai “ eleh diorang boleh la dah pernah belajar aku mana pernah belajar" . Banyak tgk movie sbb plannya lepas spm nak tgk semua tapi da smpai egypt tgk kat egypt lah. And then bila tengok gmbar kawan kawan semua hanging out together rasa mcm sedihh gila sakit ati. Kept saying to myself “Im supposed to be there too, Im supposed to be in the pictures too T_T then I cried like hell.
I wasn’t strong enough. Tapi as time passed by I started to get along with everyone. They became my bestfriend. I could never forget aineen, haizum, kak mira, timah, shifa, biha, mira, anati. They were my bestests friend during that time, and still are. Hee terngat pulak bila nak fly balik Malaysia diorang ckp mcm mane first time kenal rasa mcm nak sepak sepak je tapi lame lame boleh rapat pulak ;p
So thats one thing I have to admit about myself i just discovered. Kalauu baru pegi tmpat mane mane lahh kan, mmg aku tak reti nak menyampuk ke, masukkan diri dlm kelompok ke or anything. Fyi aku akan buat kerja sendiri. Aku online 24 jam, chatting, tgk movie series etc. Mmg aku tak join sape sape pun. Even time satu rumah berkumpul bersembang makan same same, aku duduk bilik tutup pintu buat kerja sendiri. Mengundang kan? Rasa mcm nak sepak kan? Haha aku ngaku. Aku pun rase cm nk sepak diri sendiri. LMAO
Okay enough about that. Last year juga I dapat result spm I, hee gune I? eiuuu tapi suda bosan dengan aku atau saya. LOL. I think I already mentioned this in my spm post. Since I was in form 2 I always wanted to take my own spm result. PMR cm tak cool kan so aku mmg menunggu lah result spm ni. Tapi dah takdir kan, I was not there so parents yang amikkan result. Hee and Alhamdulillah, I succeeded in getting straight a’s with one 2A. it doesn’t matter. I did my best and I was satisfied :) although feeling dia tak cool kan kt sini sbb 20 orang je yang tgh tunggu result kt zg dulu, mcm tak happening pulak -_____-. Kalau kt Malaysia best lahh sume orang tau pasal spm. Orang arab mane tauu kan penat aku explen everytime diorang tanya apaa tu spm. ayoyo pakcik mati la saya hari hari explain. And then some of my friends and I applied for spc, under mara scholarship, to be exact. Semua orang interview kat bangunan mara, saya interview kat cairo hebat tak? LOL hee and after some times, kitorang dapat lah reply wah wah saya dapat spc. *excited excited*.
Bby that time hatiku sudah jatuh di zagazig, so sedaya upaya kami mintak nak stay kt situu, tapi mmg tak bernasib baik. We were asked to choose. To stay or to start all over again in Alexandria. Take it or leave it. -___- aiyo kesian kami.
So, we took it. Baliklah kami ber7, cmpur budak tonto yang kami jumpa masa itu interview; Nina, mimot, ferot, sehot, serot, teng, dan akram. Haa budak tonto tu nama dia Fikri -__- Kami semua dapat KSP * di saat ini terngiang ngiang lagu shahputra di ingatan. ROFL xDD
And oh forgot to tell ya, masa in between nak dpt result spc tu, exams and tests semua had already started. And I went bengong for a while because as I said, I didn’t concentrate that well in class, so I had to studyyy like shit during the tests. I even stayed up the whole night memorizing histology haish pening sayaa aiyoyo.
Di situlah lahirnyaa keinsafannn. echehh
So I planned on enjoying my life like shit in Malaysia for 3 months top then bila dah sampai Alexandria no more lagha baby no more lagha lagha . Tamau sejarah lama berulang lah. Bila prof tanya aku terkebil kebil. Anatomy je reti jawab sbb tu je kami ulang ulang baca. Biochem haram jadah tak sentuh.
So my life in ksp was quite enjoyable. Pergi kelas main main balik kelas pun main main. Went to cinema every week, played boling, find new friends, i was glad i had a chance to actually be in a local college tho for 3 months only, and I do things that I really wanted to do when I was in zg but never had a chance to do it. I ate things I was dying to eat, those we cant get in Egypt. I met my family, old friends, met my cousins and went crazy with them.
Di ksp jugalah saya jumpa rakan baru, ada kawan baik baru :) Fly sama sama. xD After all the joys and fun, kami pun berangkat ke Egypt, but this time to a place called Alexandria, my new home baby :). I promised myself to concentrate in class, do notes, study. Balance your study and lagha lagha thingy meshi nina? Im not really a bookworm here, I don’t study 24/7 i do watch movie i do go out but not all the time. At least I study, at least I have my own notes, at least I don’t watch series all night long, at least I don’t consider everyday as cheat day. At least, not like when I was in zg, so fking lazy and hopeless.
My journey hasnt come to an end.
I learnt a little bit about myself. I learnt how to survive around people new people. I learnt how deal with different people because in my old place we were so much alike, their way of talking, things we do,but people are not the same everytime and I cant expect them to be like me. I talk bullshit all the time and they dont. Haha. Trying not to do that is like pretending to be someone im not. Sometimes i used them anyway but they went " nina tak baik la perempuan ckp mcm tu". tsk tsk T_T normal la tu mana ada jahat sgt. Urm but at least its for my own good xD
Then I learnt how to deal with myself who suddenly becomes sad at night, but have no shoulder to cry on, tsk tsk T_T I do not know to whom I should turn to, so in the end I cry myself to sleep and woke up and try to put a big smile on my face.
Sometimes i wonder, kalau aku tak pergi Zagazig kat manakahh aku? Di uitm kah? Buat A level kah? Pergi college kah? there no kah kah because im already here because i am fated to. aiyoyo. hehe
Rasa macam mungkin tak dapat sini kalau tak pergi Zagazig sebab bukan senang budak sekolah harian nak dpt fly woo. So semuanya ada hikmah. So give thanks to Allah, alhamdulillah :)
Tutuplah buku 2009 bukak lah buku 2010
Wising you all the best
and hoping this year I will experience many new things and also hoping it will be full of surprises :D
p/s: walid, walid intrnet sangat lah lembap nak bukak ini tak boleh itu tak boleh tolong lah repair please please please please please. waaaaaaaa mauu internet T.T
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
cuti cuti cuti alexandria
Di sini aku keconfiusann *ignore the spelling*
Ke mana aku nak bawak diri winter break nii?
manee wehh manee?
Cadangnye nak berjalan jalan di dalam negara je,
sayang duit punye pasal,
lagipun awal sangat nk gerak overseas ni -____-
tapi ergh sinai?
not going there for the second time. at least not now. Aku baru pergi feb lepas oke, feb lepas i repeat -__-
dah penat dahh mengcrampkan kaki sebanyak 2 kali. tak sanggup lagi nak menghadapi situation yang sama for the second time. i tak larat okay please.
Lagipun dah full.
And fyi Baharia pun da full. so tak boleh la nak pergi kan tho i never ever heard of that place before.
where on earth?
7 colors of deserts? haish tapi dngar mcm bes jek on je kalau ada.
Cairo? harapan la aku dah bosan da pegi. dulu asyik ulang alik cairo je mcm tade tempat lain.
Luxor? ergh, tak reti pulak. ntah la i dont kno any interesting places other than those i mentioned. -___-
aku pun mengusha la trip pergi tmpat lain,
for now, highlight Turki.
hee jauh ke? um tak la jauh sgt kan
bajet dlm LE3000 aka +-RM 1800
berkurangla duit dlm bank -______-
tapi kerja gila jugak la sbb erk nk pergi sendiri tamau pakai agent
mahal babe aku sayang duit. sayangg duitt duit rakyat tuu.
tapi kind of adventurous la. naik tren snirik cari hotel senirk
but whats life without adventures kan. nak hidup senang pandai pandai la cari jalan susah sikit.
bak kate pepatah orang dulu dulu, bersusah susah dahulu bersenang kemudian. pfftt
nasib baik afif si guider sudi menghulurkan bantuan mengajar segala jadah apa yang patut dibuat. low cost punya trip babe dengan maggi berbakul bakul kena bawak. lmfao
but still, tak sure nak pergi ke tak.
Main reason : DUIT. tanak la org lain abes LE300 je winter for a trip aku abes LE3000.
nnt aku jeles duet diorang banyak. -___-
second : cuak jugak. haha karang sesat kang sape nak jawab? menanges sorg sorg la gamaknye
third : aish mcm awal sgt la plak nk gerak jauh jauhh ni. baru first year kenape excited semacam ni nina?
And sesetengah pulak sedang sibuk memplankan diri nak pergi UK
well aku mmg la mcm pffttt dying jugak nak pegi tapi please, seperti yang aku katekan sebentar tadi,
aku sayang duit.
bajet diorang LE5000 satu aku tak konfem boleh dpt ke tak harge tu dorang kate boleh tapi mcm ergh takut salah bajet pulak. lagi lagi aku?? sah sah la overspend. tiket flight je da 3000 shopping lagi? -___- lain la kalau ada makcik pakcik sdare mara sudi sponsor kau kt sane. ergh pengsan kalau pikir lame lame.
so aku rase pergi sne dlm 3rd year la bila da banyak banyakk duit aku simpann dlm bank,
puase berpuluh puluh hari mengikat perut, baru dpt pergi mengenjoykan diri yaw! :)
tapi aku masih lagi dalam keconfiusan
what say you?
kebersalahan melampau bila dapat tau dia maraahh pasal benda tu. oh tidak aku tak bersalah ampunkan akuuu -__-
dan gelak gelak kuat kuat bila terpikir kisah lalu. rofl.
Ke mana aku nak bawak diri winter break nii?
manee wehh manee?
Cadangnye nak berjalan jalan di dalam negara je,
sayang duit punye pasal,
lagipun awal sangat nk gerak overseas ni -____-
tapi ergh sinai?
not going there for the second time. at least not now. Aku baru pergi feb lepas oke, feb lepas i repeat -__-
dah penat dahh mengcrampkan kaki sebanyak 2 kali. tak sanggup lagi nak menghadapi situation yang sama for the second time. i tak larat okay please.
Lagipun dah full.
And fyi Baharia pun da full. so tak boleh la nak pergi kan tho i never ever heard of that place before.
where on earth?
7 colors of deserts? haish tapi dngar mcm bes jek on je kalau ada.
Cairo? harapan la aku dah bosan da pegi. dulu asyik ulang alik cairo je mcm tade tempat lain.
Luxor? ergh, tak reti pulak. ntah la i dont kno any interesting places other than those i mentioned. -___-
aku pun mengusha la trip pergi tmpat lain,
for now, highlight Turki.
hee jauh ke? um tak la jauh sgt kan
bajet dlm LE3000 aka +-RM 1800
berkurangla duit dlm bank -______-
tapi kerja gila jugak la sbb erk nk pergi sendiri tamau pakai agent
mahal babe aku sayang duit. sayangg duitt duit rakyat tuu.
tapi kind of adventurous la. naik tren snirik cari hotel senirk
but whats life without adventures kan. nak hidup senang pandai pandai la cari jalan susah sikit.
bak kate pepatah orang dulu dulu, bersusah susah dahulu bersenang kemudian. pfftt
nasib baik afif si guider sudi menghulurkan bantuan mengajar segala jadah apa yang patut dibuat. low cost punya trip babe dengan maggi berbakul bakul kena bawak. lmfao
but still, tak sure nak pergi ke tak.
Main reason : DUIT. tanak la org lain abes LE300 je winter for a trip aku abes LE3000.
nnt aku jeles duet diorang banyak. -___-
second : cuak jugak. haha karang sesat kang sape nak jawab? menanges sorg sorg la gamaknye
third : aish mcm awal sgt la plak nk gerak jauh jauhh ni. baru first year kenape excited semacam ni nina?
And sesetengah pulak sedang sibuk memplankan diri nak pergi UK
well aku mmg la mcm pffttt dying jugak nak pegi tapi please, seperti yang aku katekan sebentar tadi,
aku sayang duit.
bajet diorang LE5000 satu aku tak konfem boleh dpt ke tak harge tu dorang kate boleh tapi mcm ergh takut salah bajet pulak. lagi lagi aku?? sah sah la overspend. tiket flight je da 3000 shopping lagi? -___- lain la kalau ada makcik pakcik sdare mara sudi sponsor kau kt sane. ergh pengsan kalau pikir lame lame.
so aku rase pergi sne dlm 3rd year la bila da banyak banyakk duit aku simpann dlm bank,
puase berpuluh puluh hari mengikat perut, baru dpt pergi mengenjoykan diri yaw! :)
tapi aku masih lagi dalam keconfiusan
main die nk gerak dlm jelaa but ergh aku tade idea la tmpat ape bes sini/ any idea?? hum,
what say you?
kebersalahan melampau bila dapat tau dia maraahh pasal benda tu. oh tidak aku tak bersalah ampunkan akuuu -__-
dan gelak gelak kuat kuat bila terpikir kisah lalu. rofl.
Friday, December 25, 2009
I was given an assignment, by nature.
When i start living my life trying to complete this assignment, more and even more come, never did i ask for any of them. The adventure of finding who i really am, under a large mass of skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins and even organs. What is actually hidden inside. Perhaps it is something that no one can ever see, except for Allah. Because obviously He knows everything.
As you can see, I am being in a state where i dont even know myself. I am trapped inside a world of nowhere. where there are aliens, invaders and all sorts of enemy always searching for a good time to attack, metaphorically speaking. All the hatred, egoistic, jealousy and those dark things surrounding me, blinding me. Yes, i am blinded. I cant even see what is evil and what is not.
I tend to follow people, sometimes even their foolishness, stupidness or craziness. Follow the fkg words used in movies for example,
Yes, the bad ones.
and it came out from my mouth without me realizing it. And it is not good, people. Not good. I am sick of hearing them myself, ignoring the fact that i use them almost everyday. I'll change, yes i will for good.
I have a very bad time adapting to the surrounding. How can i even try when suddenly i am thrown into an ocean of sickness. -_______- I am not capable of doing it yet i have to accept the burdens and carry them around. Forced to understand every single person by heart. When they dont even try to understand me. Is it fair? is it? is it? As once said by a person whom i dont remember his name; try to understand each one around you but never expect them to understand you. Yes perhaps he is right, i have to try controlling my bad temper during times like heck-i-dont-understand-nothing-about-this-chapter or stop-removing-my-stuff-without-me-knowing-it-for-God's-sakes and many many other sick situations, which really drives me crazy, for someone as emotional and sensitive as me. This journey thought me a lot of things, people are different. I am different. Thats the way it works in this world and i have no choice but to explore them. Not easy but i have to.
Big thanks to those who have been around me forever, through rough and smooth times, during happy and emotional times. blood and honey darling, blood and honey :) You guys are just like the kinetic energy taken from sodium for the process of the carriers. *pardon the metaphor. thats the only one i can think about right now because as im writing this post, my mind is actively thinking about active transport. back to the topic* . Without you I am nothing. That is one thing for sure. Sorry for the confusions, for dragging you guys into my long unlasting journey. It is true sometimes i dont live my life the way i am supposed to. but i just want to put some colours into it. I dont want my life to be neither black nor dull. I'll live my life the way i want to. period.

Yes, YOU!
Hari Jadiku :)
Well to be exact, birthday aku dah berakhir
Untuk pengetahuan semua tahun ini adalah birthday pertama aku sambut di Egypt, bukan di Malaysia, bukan bersama rakan rakan malaysia, bukan bersama keluarga tetapi bersama rakan rakan baru :)
Pada hari yang sama aku menerima 2 kejutan.
wah kejutan?
anda suka kejutan? LOL aku tak reti react kepada kejutan.
Kejutan pertama adalah apabila aku ditipuu,
mereka cakap pergi ke kedai seafood untuk menyambut birthday nadia,
dan beritahu nadia ke sana untuk menyambut hari jadiku
kami berdua tertipu. oke aku percaya sebab muka yus sangat serious -__-
taknak mengaku tapi terpaksa mengaku
overall it was great.
hee sudah lama tidak berbual bersama sama menikmati keindahan petang bersama teman serumah di ksp dulu. :)
Malam itu pula, sedang aku membuat nota physiology,
aku kind of dapat mengesan perubahan yang berlaku, kekecohan di luar, to be exact.
dan apabila lagu hari jadi dinyanyikan,
aku hanya buat bodoh, terus membuat nota. *bukan sengaja, as i said, aku tak reti react kepada kejutan*
hehe takut perasan pulak nanti kan mana tau salah orang. malu karang.
haha terima kasih atas kek yang sedap
anda semua terhebat!!
hari ini aku tak buat apa apa
bangun tidur pergi ke kelas, balik tidur, malam belajar sebentar, menonton shopaholic, menjerit jerit kehilangan arah tuju memukul mukul orang. wtf -____-'
juga menerima beberapa hadiah dari teman teman terhebat. ;
Mafla merah ; Sehot.
Bear yang diberi nama playboy ; Anis
Bear Pooh ; Syafik
Kotak katak comel *tak takut pun katak ni ;p* dann beg comel; Nenek
Jam + frame, dann kotak pink getah rmbut ; Nadia dan yus
Gelang kaki; Ferot
Cincin ; TK
Phone chain ; Mira dan Tito
Cokelat ; Ecah, Asilah, TK, Liyana, Ferot, Amie, Miza, Rara, Hafsah
Kek ; Syera
Terima kasih korang. Saya sayang anda ketat ketat ketat
Kepada yang wish juga, terima kasih banyak banyak :))
sangat terharu, sangat gembira. hee
korang lah sahabat sampai mati :))
Untuk pengetahuan semua tahun ini adalah birthday pertama aku sambut di Egypt, bukan di Malaysia, bukan bersama rakan rakan malaysia, bukan bersama keluarga tetapi bersama rakan rakan baru :)
Pada hari yang sama aku menerima 2 kejutan.
wah kejutan?
anda suka kejutan? LOL aku tak reti react kepada kejutan.
Kejutan pertama adalah apabila aku ditipuu,
mereka cakap pergi ke kedai seafood untuk menyambut birthday nadia,
dan beritahu nadia ke sana untuk menyambut hari jadiku
kami berdua tertipu. oke aku percaya sebab muka yus sangat serious -__-
taknak mengaku tapi terpaksa mengaku
overall it was great.
hee sudah lama tidak berbual bersama sama menikmati keindahan petang bersama teman serumah di ksp dulu. :)
Malam itu pula, sedang aku membuat nota physiology,
aku kind of dapat mengesan perubahan yang berlaku, kekecohan di luar, to be exact.
dan apabila lagu hari jadi dinyanyikan,
aku hanya buat bodoh, terus membuat nota. *bukan sengaja, as i said, aku tak reti react kepada kejutan*
hehe takut perasan pulak nanti kan mana tau salah orang. malu karang.
haha terima kasih atas kek yang sedap
anda semua terhebat!!
hari ini aku tak buat apa apa
bangun tidur pergi ke kelas, balik tidur, malam belajar sebentar, menonton shopaholic, menjerit jerit kehilangan arah tuju memukul mukul orang. wtf -____-'
juga menerima beberapa hadiah dari teman teman terhebat. ;
Mafla merah ; Sehot.
Bear yang diberi nama playboy ; Anis
Bear Pooh ; Syafik
Kotak katak comel *tak takut pun katak ni ;p* dann beg comel; Nenek
Jam + frame, dann kotak pink getah rmbut ; Nadia dan yus
Gelang kaki; Ferot
Cincin ; TK
Phone chain ; Mira dan Tito
Cokelat ; Ecah, Asilah, TK, Liyana, Ferot, Amie, Miza, Rara, Hafsah
Kek ; Syera
Terima kasih korang. Saya sayang anda ketat ketat ketat
Kepada yang wish juga, terima kasih banyak banyak :))
sangat terharu, sangat gembira. hee
korang lah sahabat sampai mati :))
Monday, December 21, 2009
The enjoyment, excitement i felt after finishing the test yesterday was unexplainable,
really, really, unexplainable,
i felt free . weeeeeeeeeweweweeee
never ever in life we studied this hard,
not even for spm,
it is more than the excitement i felt after finishing my spm.
guess i have to start learning how to get used with this
This is just one simple test with 60 questions,
then how will i feels like studying for final? mid term?
ergh dont even have the guts to think about it. gahahaha
anyway, since it is over, it is time for me to ENJOY these few days, 3 days to be exact.
one down 2 left.
went to city center and watched the rebound. yeah yeah am lovinggg that movie
so sweet and so cute. lol. worth my LE25. :))
and the bestest thing is,
there were less than 20 people in that cinema. HEAVEN
laughed as loud as we could.* i know its a normal thing to do, but still, -___- * haha.
legs on the front chair,
taking pictures, which was NOT allowed *another normal thing which i enjoyed*
H-E-L-L-O brother, could you please let us enjoy this one dayyy?!
stop asking us to stop taking pictures! -_____________-"
back at 9 pm continue watching cerekarama i cilok-ed from nadia, then hung oit at tayna's room, watched the notebook until 2. Gosh i was so tired i couldn't make it until subuh -__-
but still, I ENJOYED IT!
*kejakunan meampau*
but still, theres a lot more ways to enjoy life other than watching movie. I know, but haha just wait till we come out with other plans :)
really, really, unexplainable,
i felt free . weeeeeeeeeweweweeee
never ever in life we studied this hard,
not even for spm,
it is more than the excitement i felt after finishing my spm.
guess i have to start learning how to get used with this
This is just one simple test with 60 questions,
then how will i feels like studying for final? mid term?
ergh dont even have the guts to think about it. gahahaha
anyway, since it is over, it is time for me to ENJOY these few days, 3 days to be exact.
one down 2 left.
went to city center and watched the rebound. yeah yeah am lovinggg that movie
so sweet and so cute. lol. worth my LE25. :))
and the bestest thing is,
there were less than 20 people in that cinema. HEAVEN
laughed as loud as we could.* i know its a normal thing to do, but still, -___- * haha.
legs on the front chair,
taking pictures, which was NOT allowed *another normal thing which i enjoyed*
H-E-L-L-O brother, could you please let us enjoy this one dayyy?!
stop asking us to stop taking pictures! -_____________-"
back at 9 pm continue watching cerekarama i cilok-ed from nadia, then hung oit at tayna's room, watched the notebook until 2. Gosh i was so tired i couldn't make it until subuh -__-
but still, I ENJOYED IT!
*kejakunan meampau*
but still, theres a lot more ways to enjoy life other than watching movie. I know, but haha just wait till we come out with other plans :)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Esok periksa
Saya ulang
Esok periksa
Sepatutnya kami dah bebas semenjak 2 hari lalu
namun disebabkann periksa ditunda, kami masih lagi terseksa hingga ke hari ini.
menarik. kau tunggulah esok, balik periksa aku pergi tengok wayang. balas dendam setelah berminggu minggu menghadap buku yang sama hari hari!!! -__________-
Saya ulang
Esok periksa
Sepatutnya kami dah bebas semenjak 2 hari lalu
namun disebabkann periksa ditunda, kami masih lagi terseksa hingga ke hari ini.
menarik. kau tunggulah esok, balik periksa aku pergi tengok wayang. balas dendam setelah berminggu minggu menghadap buku yang sama hari hari!!! -__________-
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
makan itu nikmat
Semalam kami semua satu bilik pang pang bersemangat mengplan *erk abaikan penyalahgunaan tatabahasa* untuk buat surprise untuk seorang ahli bilik kami , TK malangnya percubaan tak berjaya apabila plan kami dapat dihiduu awal awal lagi. -___-
Penat aku buat buat tido. pfft padahal mmg tertido betul -_____-
esoknya bersamaan hari ini kami ke romansa,
plan asal nak makan kat serumpun, pergh asilah belanje siotttt
tapi disebabkan serumpun tutup, kami bergerak ke romansa menaiki trum rubuk geneh.
Mula mula malas tapi untuk makan yang sedap aku sangguppp
so setelah membedal ikan 3 rasa, ayam masak merah, sayur goreng belacan dann telur dadar,
order yang diambil oleh abang kacak * kacak ke? *
echehh asilah tgkap gmba senyap senyap tak boleh belahhh taulah minat. ngeng
kami pun meredah kesejukan petanggg ditemani kabus kabus yang tebal.
Kesejukan winter mula terasa. echehhhh.
Perjalanan pulang singgah membeli stokin badut berwarna merah dan hitam.
Singgah di serumpun membeli chicken shawarma kerana kesian dengan pakcik penjual tersebut. tape tape sedap sedap lain kali saye beli lagi ek pakcik . LOL
overall, it was a blast. kerana perut kenyang
gendang gendut tali kecapi,
kenyang perut SUKA HATI
Semalam kami semua satu bilik pang pang bersemangat mengplan *erk abaikan penyalahgunaan tatabahasa* untuk buat surprise untuk seorang ahli bilik kami , TK malangnya percubaan tak berjaya apabila plan kami dapat dihiduu awal awal lagi. -___-
Penat aku buat buat tido. pfft padahal mmg tertido betul -_____-
esoknya bersamaan hari ini kami ke romansa,
plan asal nak makan kat serumpun, pergh asilah belanje siotttt
tapi disebabkan serumpun tutup, kami bergerak ke romansa menaiki trum rubuk geneh.
Mula mula malas tapi untuk makan yang sedap aku sangguppp
so setelah membedal ikan 3 rasa, ayam masak merah, sayur goreng belacan dann telur dadar,
order yang diambil oleh abang kacak * kacak ke? *
echehh asilah tgkap gmba senyap senyap tak boleh belahhh taulah minat. ngeng
kami pun meredah kesejukan petanggg ditemani kabus kabus yang tebal.
Kesejukan winter mula terasa. echehhhh.
Perjalanan pulang singgah membeli stokin badut berwarna merah dan hitam.
Singgah di serumpun membeli chicken shawarma kerana kesian dengan pakcik penjual tersebut. tape tape sedap sedap lain kali saye beli lagi ek pakcik . LOL
overall, it was a blast. kerana perut kenyang
gendang gendut tali kecapi,
kenyang perut SUKA HATI
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
periksa weh

our sc makan :))
Exam physiology practical is finally over,
I repeat, over
I spent the whole 2 days remembering the words, each word inside the book,
almost all in diet planning and measurements
in the end, only the equations came out.
i was kind of frustrated,
should have used the time to read physiology nutrition
the hell, its over.
one more paper to go. a big one i mean
this time, the questions thats going to come out is from the whole book,
no exception.
am i ready for it/?
wait for it..
wait for it...
LOL i wanted to make today a cheat day,
considering theres stll a lot i have to cover, i canceled my plan :((
woahhh why did they postpone the exam
im going crazy over here :(
*new ep of himym has come out. hee cant wait to watch it
Monday, December 14, 2009
It is gone. tsk tsk
The book mark has gone T_T
tsk tsk
that one of 4 things that he gave
which i left 2 at home, because obviously the bajus he gave were so tight.
Kau ingat aku kurus sangat ke pakcik oi?! Aku nk g blaja kt MESIR bukan US. pfft
I brought 2 with me
now one gone. one still in my drawer.
Okay fine, its nothing just some presents from one good friend.
Good friend? -__- erk good or not-so-good one?
either one idc. lol
but its a part of my high school memories
along with many other memories
tsk tsk
want that bookmark with s.p. save you lyrics he wrote on it
If you fall stumble down I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you Ill give you strength to pull through
Tell me you wont give up
Cause i'll be waiting if you fall
You know i'll be there for you
I'll just keep your words in my mind then :(
p/s: syiqa even if you know who, just keep your mouth shut, cause no one else knows ;p
tsk tsk
that one of 4 things that he gave
which i left 2 at home, because obviously the bajus he gave were so tight.
Kau ingat aku kurus sangat ke pakcik oi?! Aku nk g blaja kt MESIR bukan US. pfft
I brought 2 with me
now one gone. one still in my drawer.
Okay fine, its nothing just some presents from one good friend.
Good friend? -__- erk good or not-so-good one?
either one idc. lol
but its a part of my high school memories
along with many other memories
tsk tsk
want that bookmark with s.p. save you lyrics he wrote on it
If you fall stumble down I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you Ill give you strength to pull through
Tell me you wont give up
Cause i'll be waiting if you fall
You know i'll be there for you
I'll just keep your words in my mind then :(
p/s: syiqa even if you know who, just keep your mouth shut, cause no one else knows ;p
Sunday, December 13, 2009
ada lagi?
Exam telah pun berakhir..
untuk practical biochem je yang lain masih lagi menunggu waktu untuk dicampak campak kertas soalan. erk, sanggupkah aku? -___-
Alhamdulillah dapat jawab lah jugak, walaupun ada soalan yang terkantoi T_T
Result experiment pun neg for biuret, pos for molisch, neg for starch, neg for fehling, positive for saliwanoff, means it is ...
apa dia rakan rakan??
Ya tepat sekali. sucrose. LOL
luse periksa praktikal physiology pulak. main kire kire la pulak. lepas tu written exam
ada 60 soalan kesemuanya
jadi bersedialah!
cheh bajet aku dah ready je.
Semua yang aku bace dah dush dush berterbangan lari. eh eh jangan. duduk diam diam jangan pergi mane mane. aku dah tak sanggup nak hafal balik -___-
*Dah dah la tu nina. pergi studyy.
untuk practical biochem je yang lain masih lagi menunggu waktu untuk dicampak campak kertas soalan. erk, sanggupkah aku? -___-
Alhamdulillah dapat jawab lah jugak, walaupun ada soalan yang terkantoi T_T
Result experiment pun neg for biuret, pos for molisch, neg for starch, neg for fehling, positive for saliwanoff, means it is ...
apa dia rakan rakan??
Ya tepat sekali. sucrose. LOL
luse periksa praktikal physiology pulak. main kire kire la pulak. lepas tu written exam
ada 60 soalan kesemuanya
jadi bersedialah!
cheh bajet aku dah ready je.
Semua yang aku bace dah dush dush berterbangan lari. eh eh jangan. duduk diam diam jangan pergi mane mane. aku dah tak sanggup nak hafal balik -___-
*Dah dah la tu nina. pergi studyy.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Buku baru
Aku menjadi semakin SIBUK dan SIBUK
Tak pernah aku bayang hidup dikelilingi buku.
Aku rasa macam aku masih kecik
Tapi aku tak sedar yang aku dah BESAR.
Weh dah besar oke. Dah boleh kawen da.
masa housemanship sudey.
Aku taknak cari. takut babe takutt.
Hari tu aku muntah. pening. demam.
Lepas tu mood aku nak makan semakin berkurangan.
Terlepas gathering rumah.
Panas babe panas..
Dengan nota yang menggunung perlu dihabiskan
Aku? Belajar? Kau tunggu result dan judge.
Aku pun tak tahu aku belajar ke tak.
Ym sentiasa terbukak?
Tapi diri tiada di depan laptop. Hanya menjadi penyedap mata melihat diri sendiri online.
Kawan yang betul adalah kawan ketika susah dan senang
Dia ada ke ketika aku susah lagi? Macam... dah tiada. Macam, dah tak kisah. Aku pun tak kisah jugak. Cuma, pelik.
Dan... pelik? ppffhht.
Lantak kau lah.
Aku malas nak kisah.
Yang penting. Aku nak selalu bahagia.
Dont overthink, overfeel atau over apa apa.
Aku selalu terlebih dalam melayan perasaan -_________-
Tenangkan diri kau. Dan fikir banyak lagi kawan di sekeliling kau.
Aku sayang kau rakan rakan
Aku sayang engkau juga rakan rakan lama.
Expesheli milah dan mea. Rindu yang teramat.
Zaman sekolah adalah zaman paling membahagiakan dalam hidup aku
Tutup buku lama. Bukak buku baru
Kawan sini pun best juga.
Sayang korang ketat ketat. Sumpa.
a.k.u. b.e.r.a.m.b.u.s
Tak pernah aku bayang hidup dikelilingi buku.
Aku rasa macam aku masih kecik
Tapi aku tak sedar yang aku dah BESAR.
Weh dah besar oke. Dah boleh kawen da.
masa housemanship sudey.
Aku taknak cari. takut babe takutt.
Hari tu aku muntah. pening. demam.
Lepas tu mood aku nak makan semakin berkurangan.
Terlepas gathering rumah.
Panas babe panas..
Dengan nota yang menggunung perlu dihabiskan
Aku? Belajar? Kau tunggu result dan judge.
Aku pun tak tahu aku belajar ke tak.
Ym sentiasa terbukak?
Tapi diri tiada di depan laptop. Hanya menjadi penyedap mata melihat diri sendiri online.
Kawan yang betul adalah kawan ketika susah dan senang
Dia ada ke ketika aku susah lagi? Macam... dah tiada. Macam, dah tak kisah. Aku pun tak kisah jugak. Cuma, pelik.
Dan... pelik? ppffhht.
Lantak kau lah.
Aku malas nak kisah.
Yang penting. Aku nak selalu bahagia.
Dont overthink, overfeel atau over apa apa.
Aku selalu terlebih dalam melayan perasaan -_________-
Tenangkan diri kau. Dan fikir banyak lagi kawan di sekeliling kau.
Aku sayang kau rakan rakan
Aku sayang engkau juga rakan rakan lama.
Expesheli milah dan mea. Rindu yang teramat.
Zaman sekolah adalah zaman paling membahagiakan dalam hidup aku
Tutup buku lama. Bukak buku baru
Kawan sini pun best juga.
Sayang korang ketat ketat. Sumpa.
a.k.u. b.e.r.a.m.b.u.s
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Life is getting hell, BUSIER.
when examination is just around the corner.
I cant believe i have to study the whole book; note that all the contents of the books are hard to understand+ unbelievably hard to be memorized.
the heck with that.
its just that, the exam will be held for ONLY HALF AND HOUR, with about 25 QUESTIONS ONLY,
and i put half my life studying the subjects.
okay, supposedly i have to study because of Allah, for myself not for the examination
i know, i know, thats what im trying to do but because of this exam, i have to rush to finish them -____-
with all the assignments, the tbls,
they should make like 100 or at least 80 questions for the exam,
then the exam will be worth what we read.
anyways, pray for me,
Im really hoping i can do this exam
i havent start studying practical and nutrition physiology
Heck im so loving nutrition physiology
They help me choose what im supposed to eat more and less,
and to be more careful in choosing food
balanced diet baby, balanced diet.
LOL my eating is so not well balanced but at least better than before. ;p
see you later toodles.
when examination is just around the corner.
I cant believe i have to study the whole book; note that all the contents of the books are hard to understand+ unbelievably hard to be memorized.
the heck with that.
its just that, the exam will be held for ONLY HALF AND HOUR, with about 25 QUESTIONS ONLY,
and i put half my life studying the subjects.
okay, supposedly i have to study because of Allah, for myself not for the examination
i know, i know, thats what im trying to do but because of this exam, i have to rush to finish them -____-
with all the assignments, the tbls,
they should make like 100 or at least 80 questions for the exam,
then the exam will be worth what we read.
anyways, pray for me,
Im really hoping i can do this exam
i havent start studying practical and nutrition physiology
Heck im so loving nutrition physiology
They help me choose what im supposed to eat more and less,
and to be more careful in choosing food
balanced diet baby, balanced diet.
LOL my eating is so not well balanced but at least better than before. ;p
see you later toodles.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hari Raya datang lagi :)
Jumaat yang lepas semua orang menyambut hari raya termasuk aku
Aku sambut hari raya buat pertama kali dekat Mesir aka Egypt ni?
So how was it?
check it out..
malam raye tu lepak carrefour malas la nak pegi join dorang masak kuih -___- lagipun tengah kesedihan layan lagu raye + ramai jugak kawan kawan aku yang pergi cairo meninggalkan kami sendiriannn di alexandria. ergh tak sukee


yeah malam tu kitorang masak lontong ditolong oleh sored ngn nadia. so pagi raya tuu makan lontong. walaupun sebenarnye aku tak sukeee makan lontong. LOL well pagi tu aku terlepas smayang raye kt masjid. aku tunggu trip second pstu bile otw tgk da org tgh smayang perjalanan jauh lagi so ktrg jemaah kt rumah . sedeynye T_T
inilah lontong kami ! :)

petang tu pulak ktrg ada jamuan raya. hee
memandangkan perempuan je semua apa lagii. haha!
aku pun bedal la kebaye yang tak boleh dipakai g klas. -_-
oke then the day ends.
the next day aku pergi zagazigzigzagzag dear hometown. echeh
pegi pegi hambik kau makan non stop.
hee setelah 10 lagi yang turut serta pulang, aku pun tido la situ. hee
dapat jumpe semua la aineen timah syifa anati bella melly dil kak mira biha haizm aina


dah lamee gile kut tak hang out sesamee.
and then bile pergi open house mcm erk ramai la akak akak yang aku bajet diorang tak kenal aku semua nye mcm
"eehhh nina ada la.."
wah terharunye. Bukanke dulu aku ni tak rajen sgt nk melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti2 etc. hee tapi diorang kenal jugak. alangkah terharunye rasa hati. echeh
pastu aku pun menjadi tetamu tak diundang dekat function kat dewan tu. LOL segan jugak sebenarnye tapi setelah didesak oleh aineen dan timah, and kak dura pun ada ajak smalam aku pun bedal jela. dah la tak bawak baju kurung pinjam je aineen punye. hee arigato.
kat dewan tuu dapat la jumpe aina setelah sekian lame tak hang out same same. stu satunye geng smksk aku yang terlepas kat mesir ni, hehe


erghh bes bes malangnye bile nk shopping banyak kedai kt komyah tutup
and malam tu makan la tansaa. phewit menyengat siot! walaupun da makan 2 mangkuk nasi + tomyam. but i can never say no to la tansa. makan sambil tgk papadom. woooo. pstu malam tu jugak bazim bagi biskut ngn kek, hee haizum la jahat tipu kate ada org datang nk bagi duet bile kluar surpirse! pulak. erghh maluuu maluu segan saing mu nih. LOL
hee so setelah menghabiskan 4 hari kat zagazig aku pun pulang ke alexandria.
smpai pukul 12 pstu terus siap pegi open house! iyeah makan lagii
bersama roommates berjalan jalan meneruskan perjalanan mencari rumah akak akak untuk mengenyangkan perut yang sedia kelaparan.
pergi rumah kak yani ngn kak nawa je pun
perut pun terus jadi penuh. heeee :)) suke sukeee.

tamatlah sudah carita rayaku pada hari ini
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
one bad day
Well today I was having such a bad day
You know, when you thought everything is going wrong-__-
when suddenly just in a blink of eye,
you felt not needed,
youre in the wrong place
with no one to hold on to
so after class, i rushed back home,
because even if i waited
i didnt know with whom im going back with,
as i said, i dont really have a 'geng' here,
just go with different people everyday
on the way, i thought about all the things thats happening
how im feeling so alone,
as if nobody cares,
and worse, i started to compare life now with old one,
so not good, not cool. i know. -_-
friends around, never felt alone,
sure thing is
the problem is my own self, i dont know how to mix around.
you know, im cool. with everyone, its me, im wrong for not knowing how to fit in
i just don't and im sorry
and i reached home finally, watched a movie to clear my messy mind,
then stopped for maghrib prayer,
i heard my phone vibrated.
but i was praying so i ignored it,
i checked and my buddy called.
then i heard someone screamed
"oi sape punye kek ni?"
i was like, er is that mine?
well usually if theres something outside, its either for me or dib/ LOL
put stuff in front of the lift. the fastest and easiest way to deliver stuff
and i called him back, and he said
"ada kek tu. amik la. ktrg tengok kau moody tadi, aku. bla bla, bla bla ngn bla bla belikanla kek utk kau."
"ooh susah susah je"
"takpe lah. amik tau. jgn moody moody dah"
i felt touched, seriously
but i just dint know how to show it.
They are like my best buddies,
but other friends, who're supposed to know better, care better,
dont even care
dont even notice.
except for one or two yeah
when i was damn moody she came to my room and brought me a cake.
others, who used to be so close just ignored.
Im not sad or angry or anything,
i dont expect anything, seriously.
but its weird because when someone close to you but not as close as you WERE with other friends,
care more,
concern more,
i dont know whether they dont care, or they dont know, or they dont want to know, or they dont even bother.
Thanks for your concern, buddies.
for all the gifts,
even my roommates went
"kau ni ramai gile orang blanje oh tuka ah nk jadi kau. LOL rezeki namenye tu". hee
You know, when you thought everything is going wrong-__-
when suddenly just in a blink of eye,
you felt not needed,
youre in the wrong place
with no one to hold on to
so after class, i rushed back home,
because even if i waited
i didnt know with whom im going back with,
as i said, i dont really have a 'geng' here,
just go with different people everyday
on the way, i thought about all the things thats happening
how im feeling so alone,
as if nobody cares,
and worse, i started to compare life now with old one,
so not good, not cool. i know. -_-
friends around, never felt alone,
sure thing is
the problem is my own self, i dont know how to mix around.
you know, im cool. with everyone, its me, im wrong for not knowing how to fit in
i just don't and im sorry
and i reached home finally, watched a movie to clear my messy mind,
then stopped for maghrib prayer,
i heard my phone vibrated.
but i was praying so i ignored it,
i checked and my buddy called.
then i heard someone screamed
"oi sape punye kek ni?"
i was like, er is that mine?
well usually if theres something outside, its either for me or dib/ LOL
put stuff in front of the lift. the fastest and easiest way to deliver stuff
and i called him back, and he said
"ada kek tu. amik la. ktrg tengok kau moody tadi, aku. bla bla, bla bla ngn bla bla belikanla kek utk kau."
"ooh susah susah je"
"takpe lah. amik tau. jgn moody moody dah"
i felt touched, seriously
but i just dint know how to show it.
They are like my best buddies,
but other friends, who're supposed to know better, care better,
dont even care
dont even notice.
except for one or two yeah
when i was damn moody she came to my room and brought me a cake.
others, who used to be so close just ignored.
Im not sad or angry or anything,
i dont expect anything, seriously.
but its weird because when someone close to you but not as close as you WERE with other friends,
care more,
concern more,
i dont know whether they dont care, or they dont know, or they dont want to know, or they dont even bother.
Thanks for your concern, buddies.
for all the gifts,
even my roommates went
"kau ni ramai gile orang blanje oh tuka ah nk jadi kau. LOL rezeki namenye tu". hee
Monday, November 16, 2009
ketensionan yang melanda
stomachache, and headache -___-
and i have TONS and TONS of things to read
ada ke die ckp esok ada tbl. oke fine ada tbl pastu suruh bace lipoprotein sbb esok ada test.
N.B. : lipoprotein tak pena belajar die suruh belajar sendiri dulu pstu buat test pstu baru bincang.
the whole concept of tbl
oke fine jugak
bila aku balik dan bukak link, wtfishhhhhhhh/?!
bapak banyak
bapak susah
how am i supposed to answer and understand the whole 8 pages = 2 hours lecture normally, without explanation from no one = =
+ nota biochemistry dan physiologyy yang blaja tadi belum buat lagi. ergh ergh tension tension
dahlaa balik lambat, 530 pm bersamaan lepas maghrib jalan gelap gelita jalan sorang sorang dikelilingi orang arab ergh.
dengan sakit perut yang melampau sejak beberapa jam laluuu smbil membuat nota = =
kelaparan tahap maksima. oke fine aku dah makan carbohydrate= yang paling awal utilized sepatutnye aku energetic kan but NOT. tak pun. sakit perut lagi ada. think i need to eat fat yang akan produced kan energy lagi 7-8 jam bersamaan pukul * tengah tgk jam * 6 am?
erk, dah pukul 11??!
dan juga berhadapan dengan kemungkinan blackout lagi malam ni, setelah 3 hari berturut turut blackout. terima kasih kalian atas khidmat kooperasi yangg sangat mengharukan -_________-
stomachache, and headache -___-
and i have TONS and TONS of things to read
ada ke die ckp esok ada tbl. oke fine ada tbl pastu suruh bace lipoprotein sbb esok ada test.
N.B. : lipoprotein tak pena belajar die suruh belajar sendiri dulu pstu buat test pstu baru bincang.
the whole concept of tbl
oke fine jugak
bila aku balik dan bukak link, wtfishhhhhhhh/?!
bapak banyak
bapak susah
how am i supposed to answer and understand the whole 8 pages = 2 hours lecture normally, without explanation from no one = =
+ nota biochemistry dan physiologyy yang blaja tadi belum buat lagi. ergh ergh tension tension
dahlaa balik lambat, 530 pm bersamaan lepas maghrib jalan gelap gelita jalan sorang sorang dikelilingi orang arab ergh.
dengan sakit perut yang melampau sejak beberapa jam laluuu smbil membuat nota = =
kelaparan tahap maksima. oke fine aku dah makan carbohydrate= yang paling awal utilized sepatutnye aku energetic kan but NOT. tak pun. sakit perut lagi ada. think i need to eat fat yang akan produced kan energy lagi 7-8 jam bersamaan pukul * tengah tgk jam * 6 am?
erk, dah pukul 11??!
dan juga berhadapan dengan kemungkinan blackout lagi malam ni, setelah 3 hari berturut turut blackout. terima kasih kalian atas khidmat kooperasi yangg sangat mengharukan -_________-
Sunday, November 15, 2009
ONE, gone. ONE, vanished
salam...adq abg yg sombong...
bz ke????
bru abg jmpe page adq...adq cmner skg????
hopefully u r always in happy in ur life, sis....
anyway gud luck 4 ur future and have a nice day, adq...
abg da keje tau, deq...
bler adq nk jmpe abg???
heheheehehe....papepun abg t'lbh dulu nk minx maap ats sgale slp abg yg abg penah bt kat adq abg ni...
kemaafan 2 abg jus dpt dr adq je..abg hrp adq dpt maafkn abg...
mne tau adq may b xkn jmpe abg bt slamenye...abg minx maap sgt2...
gud luck, dear...askm
5 months ago.
came across this comment.
i hate that we became so close that you became my bestfriend.
well kind of a brother to me.
i hate that i started to get rid of you
i hate that i hurt you a lot
i hate how you tortured me back
i hate that you were so nice, so caring,
i hate that you were so skema
your words were like so baik and everything
you dont know about styles
but you were there for me.
It has been almost 4 years since our story ends.
since our good sister-brother relationship ends.
and you are nice to me, even until now
but then i hate you for saying that i will always become your friend, whatever happens
i hate you saying that you still care
i hate to know the fact that i dont know you anymore
i hate receiving a raya card with your sign on it.
i hate everything about you
i deleted your number, didnt put your num in my new phone,
because i dont want to hear from you nomore
i dont want to feel alone and night and text you
i want to stop hearing anything from you
know anything about you
somehow at times i remember us being close
you care, i care.
and those memories.
all vanished.
I dont know what to say
maybe we'll walk into each other some times,
and we will ignore each other.
we are strangers now.
bz ke????
bru abg jmpe page adq...adq cmner skg????
hopefully u r always in happy in ur life, sis....
anyway gud luck 4 ur future and have a nice day, adq...
abg da keje tau, deq...
bler adq nk jmpe abg???
heheheehehe....papepun abg t'lbh dulu nk minx maap ats sgale slp abg yg abg penah bt kat adq abg ni...
kemaafan 2 abg jus dpt dr adq je..abg hrp adq dpt maafkn abg...
mne tau adq may b xkn jmpe abg bt slamenye...abg minx maap sgt2...
gud luck, dear...askm
5 months ago.
came across this comment.
i hate that we became so close that you became my bestfriend.
well kind of a brother to me.
i hate that i started to get rid of you
i hate that i hurt you a lot
i hate how you tortured me back
i hate that you were so nice, so caring,
i hate that you were so skema
your words were like so baik and everything
you dont know about styles
but you were there for me.
It has been almost 4 years since our story ends.
since our good sister-brother relationship ends.
and you are nice to me, even until now
but then i hate you for saying that i will always become your friend, whatever happens
i hate you saying that you still care
i hate to know the fact that i dont know you anymore
i hate receiving a raya card with your sign on it.
i hate everything about you
i deleted your number, didnt put your num in my new phone,
because i dont want to hear from you nomore
i dont want to feel alone and night and text you
i want to stop hearing anything from you
know anything about you
somehow at times i remember us being close
you care, i care.
and those memories.
all vanished.
I dont know what to say
maybe we'll walk into each other some times,
and we will ignore each other.
we are strangers now.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
biochemistry, especially lipids is becoming harder and harder
lol i learnt them already back in zagazig
but i didnt understand nothing at that time,
now i have some ideas about some things i learnt before, but didnt understand. lol
haha and my mind is getting mereng-er from day to day
but lets pray i can do well in the exam :) and every exam .LOL o_O
learnt about healthy lifestyle
realized that my lifestyle isnt healthy at all -__-
lol at least im tring to eat something better.
hahaa but just now after class i went to pizza hut for lunch
with my bestfriends, syafik ezy and nasuha :)
so i consider today as a cheat day
LOL wrong!
fyi for those who do not know what is cheat day, it is supposed to be that one day in a week when you can grab unhealthy things to eat such as pizza, kfc, burger etc.
but erk, i already have 3 days of cheat days this week?
how can i consider today a cheat day -_-
lol whatever as long as i am not hungry, i'll be happy :))
and yeah,
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY EX HOUSEMATE; amirah muhyidin :))
have a blast birthday yaw ^__________^
Love you guys ((:
lol i learnt them already back in zagazig
but i didnt understand nothing at that time,
now i have some ideas about some things i learnt before, but didnt understand. lol
haha and my mind is getting mereng-er from day to day
but lets pray i can do well in the exam :) and every exam .LOL o_O
learnt about healthy lifestyle
realized that my lifestyle isnt healthy at all -__-
lol at least im tring to eat something better.
hahaa but just now after class i went to pizza hut for lunch
with my bestfriends, syafik ezy and nasuha :)
so i consider today as a cheat day
LOL wrong!
fyi for those who do not know what is cheat day, it is supposed to be that one day in a week when you can grab unhealthy things to eat such as pizza, kfc, burger etc.
but erk, i already have 3 days of cheat days this week?
how can i consider today a cheat day -_-
lol whatever as long as i am not hungry, i'll be happy :))
and yeah,
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY EX HOUSEMATE; amirah muhyidin :))
have a blast birthday yaw ^__________^
Love you guys ((:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
semua tak sabar kan?
adik adik rakan rakan kanak kanak sahabat andai cucu cucu adik saudara sepupu sepapat yang berada di tingkatan 5 sekolah menengah kebangsaan seri keramat, sekolah sekolah bersekutu, bersepadu sbp, mrsm argh semua jenis sekolah lah lah
tak sabar sabar nak habis spm kan dan BERAMBUS KELUAR dari hell, ops sekolah itu.
aku, dan rakan rakan aku NAK SANGAT patah balik dan masuk ke hell, ops sekolah itu semula
beribu berjuta, kenangan hitam putih sepanjang 5 tahun berada di sekolah yang sadis, kecik dan tidak lawa itu *maafkan aku sekolah. seburuk buruk mana pun engkau, aku tetap sayangkan engkau okey. pfffttt -_____________- *
rinduuu rinduu serindu rindunya *masuk lagu old school kejap*
weh tolonglah
sehari je
sehari je.
kalau boleh hari yang kita lepak gelak sakan makan ramai ramai pegi mekdi, makan mac besar, dabelcisbeger.
tak pun masa aku engkau dia dan semua menyamar jadi hantu ?
ataupun zaman sepak terajang antara kau dan aku
lepak after kelas. belajar . belajar lah konon
argh aku rindu. aku nak balik
aku jealous dengan korang, korang pulak jeles dengan aku sebab dah abis sekolah kan -___-
semua dah ada kawan baru, tinggallah aku terkapai kapai keseorangan di sini
oke fine, aku pun banyak kawan baru jugak *taknak kalah*
sayang kawan baru jugak.
haha tapi aku sayang korang semua ketat ketat
okay dah tengah malam otakku mereng salahkan biochemistry. aku sayang engkau encik profesor karbohaidrattttt.
tak sabar sabar nak habis spm kan dan BERAMBUS KELUAR dari hell, ops sekolah itu.
aku, dan rakan rakan aku NAK SANGAT patah balik dan masuk ke hell, ops sekolah itu semula
beribu berjuta, kenangan hitam putih sepanjang 5 tahun berada di sekolah yang sadis, kecik dan tidak lawa itu *maafkan aku sekolah. seburuk buruk mana pun engkau, aku tetap sayangkan engkau okey. pfffttt -_____________- *
rinduuu rinduu serindu rindunya *masuk lagu old school kejap*
weh tolonglah
sehari je
sehari je.
kalau boleh hari yang kita lepak gelak sakan makan ramai ramai pegi mekdi, makan mac besar, dabelcisbeger.
tak pun masa aku engkau dia dan semua menyamar jadi hantu ?
ataupun zaman sepak terajang antara kau dan aku
lepak after kelas. belajar . belajar lah konon
argh aku rindu. aku nak balik
aku jealous dengan korang, korang pulak jeles dengan aku sebab dah abis sekolah kan -___-
semua dah ada kawan baru, tinggallah aku terkapai kapai keseorangan di sini
oke fine, aku pun banyak kawan baru jugak *taknak kalah*
sayang kawan baru jugak.
haha tapi aku sayang korang semua ketat ketat
okay dah tengah malam otakku mereng salahkan biochemistry. aku sayang engkau encik profesor karbohaidrattttt.
Monday, November 2, 2009
biochemistry / winter
yeah yeah the real class has started o________O
went from biostatistic --------> biochemistry,
which are different in manyy many many many ways -______________-
haha first class already made me feel like falling.
Oh no!
need to study harder
revision every night
revision?? pfffttt!
and winter also has started
its f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g
egypt is supposed to be hot, eh? NOT
seriously, it's freakin cold!
just wait for december
i bet it will be colder and colder -___-"
everyone is also starting to buy that long coat, mafla and gloves kind of thingy
but i dont have the mood to buy em' just, not yet
haha i dont want to waste my money, ops 'duit rakyat' on something i already have
i already have a few sweaters but i want that long coat. i want it i want it~
wearing those stuff make me feel cool, just like in that korean movie, and some western. LOL
-the end-
went from biostatistic --------> biochemistry,
which are different in manyy many many many ways -______________-
haha first class already made me feel like falling.
Oh no!
need to study harder
revision every night
revision?? pfffttt!
and winter also has started
its f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g
egypt is supposed to be hot, eh? NOT
seriously, it's freakin cold!
just wait for december
i bet it will be colder and colder -___-"
everyone is also starting to buy that long coat, mafla and gloves kind of thingy
but i dont have the mood to buy em' just, not yet
haha i dont want to waste my money, ops 'duit rakyat' on something i already have
i already have a few sweaters but i want that long coat. i want it i want it~
wearing those stuff make me feel cool, just like in that korean movie, and some western. LOL
-the end-
Friday, October 30, 2009
it is over :))
alhamdulillah exam is finally over:)))
we studied like, the whole week just for one simple test,
which was held for just half an hour, with 27 questions only for all 4 subjects.
and am enjoying the moment when i dont even have to open the books.
haha and watch movie, fb-ing all night
i just want to take a one day off/
oupsie, 2 days off i mean! ^_________________________^
we studied like, the whole week just for one simple test,
which was held for just half an hour, with 27 questions only for all 4 subjects.
and am enjoying the moment when i dont even have to open the books.
haha and watch movie, fb-ing all night
i just want to take a one day off/
oupsie, 2 days off i mean! ^_________________________^
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
this heart
darlings, whats up with those hatred posts
well its your blog not mine so its up to you:)
emotional confusion and all those stuff are happening,
you know, some say its normal as a teenager
but you know, im just getting tired of it
somehow i want those feelings to stop
and sometimes i forced myself not to become oversensitive
hee :)
i dont want to become a burden to anyone,
and i think ive become one,
sorry, bestfriend :)
thanks for being there even sometimes i feel like
you know, a spoilt brat who's supposed to stand on her own two feet
and i'm not supposed to ask for your help,
because its not you who is supposed to help:)
i should ask for others. but then again, i am sorry :(
i dont want to live in my own world
i dont want to become sad without a reason
and then not having anyone to talk about it,
not wanting to burden anyone.
and trying to forget it as soon as i can
sometimes i wish when i close my eyes tight, peace will come and greet me hello.
well its your blog not mine so its up to you:)
emotional confusion and all those stuff are happening,
you know, some say its normal as a teenager
but you know, im just getting tired of it
somehow i want those feelings to stop
and sometimes i forced myself not to become oversensitive
hee :)
i dont want to become a burden to anyone,
and i think ive become one,
sorry, bestfriend :)
thanks for being there even sometimes i feel like
you know, a spoilt brat who's supposed to stand on her own two feet
and i'm not supposed to ask for your help,
because its not you who is supposed to help:)
i should ask for others. but then again, i am sorry :(
i dont want to live in my own world
i dont want to become sad without a reason
and then not having anyone to talk about it,
not wanting to burden anyone.
and trying to forget it as soon as i can
sometimes i wish when i close my eyes tight, peace will come and greet me hello.
my stomach
asyik lapar je
pastu tak tau nak makan ape..
nak masak seniri takleh barang nk masak tade + masak pun senyap senyap
kene beli kat luar
tapi semua makanan tak selera nak makan T_______T
lps tu diorang masak plak utk 22 orang
periuk kecik
dapat makan sikit je ari ari
tak pna dpt makan puas:(
wahh rindunye nak mkan bes and puassssss
nak makan nak makan!
asyik lapar je
pastu tak tau nak makan ape..
nak masak seniri takleh barang nk masak tade + masak pun senyap senyap
kene beli kat luar
tapi semua makanan tak selera nak makan T_______T
lps tu diorang masak plak utk 22 orang
periuk kecik
dapat makan sikit je ari ari
tak pna dpt makan puas:(
wahh rindunye nak mkan bes and puassssss
nak makan nak makan!
Friday, October 23, 2009
minggu depan ada exam wehhhhh
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boleh ke aku jawab -___________________________________-
study skill,
medical terminology
aku taktauu nak study ape untuk e-learning je sbb time e-learning aku slalu bukak facebook je
jangan salahkan aku. salahkan internet yang lembab itu okee -.-"
insyaAllah boleh. go go nina!!!! ^..............................^
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boleh ke aku jawab -___________________________________-
study skill,
medical terminology
aku taktauu nak study ape untuk e-learning je sbb time e-learning aku slalu bukak facebook je
jangan salahkan aku. salahkan internet yang lembab itu okee -.-"
insyaAllah boleh. go go nina!!!! ^..............................^
Thursday, October 22, 2009
campur dan tolak

life has been hard
you know trying to adapt to many kind of things.
i thought i could stand a few months before starting to miss malaysian food,
but i was wrong,
it's worse since we CANNOT cook here, yeah cool right? NOT -.-
and one of the biggest challenge everyday is to think ' what am i gonna eat today' o.o
and then, things i was afraid to happen, happened.
but i cant control it i know
im not blaming anyone,
its the situation that makes things worse
and i have to accept every single thing by heart :(
being sad is normal, being happy is also normal here.
sometimes something bothers me, and i cry the whole day
but the difference between the old me and the new me,
i started my new day forgetting all the things that bother me before
and be as happy as i could :D
not like before, carrying all the burdens i had to the next day, and the very next day
the next thing that's been bothering me is
when you dont talk to that someone who used to be your kawan-sampai-mati anymore
its weird, because you used to laugh and share everything and you were free to talk about anything to him
now it feels like he doesnt care, and doesnt exist anymore. :(((((((((
i miss the old times babe. but you know, i seldom think about this stuff but when it comes across my mind,
the feeling is just, deep.unexplainable. -_______________________-"
im not going to be all emotional so im going to talk about some cool stuff that happened lately.^.^
my schedule has become tighter. from morning until night. and yeah finally the renovation of our level's toilet has completed. yay! *______o
and ooh did i tell you that i already visited pyramid and makam imam syafi'e, citadel of saladin for the second time and many kind of mosques? haha its fun :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
and you know hung up at night, eat, went shopping. eh once only i dont have the guts to spend lots of money on something i dont really need. especially when we call those money we got as 'duit rakyat' -.-"
and another cool thing, haha since btn, i always knew that i know this one guy. his face seems very familiar. and i knew i know him from somewhere. so i met him here of course, and he also lives in kl. what's the odds? and i asked someone to ask about his primary school. and he's not in the same school with me. i was like, uhm okayyy. but then when i talked to mimi i started to remember something, i mean, he lives in kl, his school is veryyy near with mine, and i strongly believed i met him before. suddenly an image of him with green sampin and a songkok came across my mind. yeah, he was in the same sekolah agama with me. haha i asked someone to confirm it and yeah i was right :)))
i DO hve an ex-schoolmate here. tho im not sure whether or not he knows and i know i dont think ive talked to him before, i feel happy:D because you know i never had someone i know before, here in alex. and i studied in a normal secondary school. i dont have anyone from my school here. just knowing that theres someone from my old school is enough to make me smile ^.......^
Saturday, October 17, 2009
it has started.
Class has started
you know, kind of tiring + semangat
haha but you know i love learning all the stuff.
okay i know the real medical parts havent started yet
but i cant wait
not like before when the next day got class
i'd be like " alahh.... lecehhnye"
now it went for that lecehnye to "eh ada class?okee je"
gahaa i hope this semangat stays for the rest of these 6 years:D
i dont want to be lazy no more i dont want to be damn lagha no more
i want to be better:D
exhausted? yeah kind of but okayy lah :D
not much desire to shop.
not much desire to watch movies or series
not THAT much desire to fb-ing
STILL fb-ing but not that much:D
you know, kind of tiring + semangat
haha but you know i love learning all the stuff.
okay i know the real medical parts havent started yet
but i cant wait
not like before when the next day got class
i'd be like " alahh.... lecehhnye"
now it went for that lecehnye to "eh ada class?okee je"
gahaa i hope this semangat stays for the rest of these 6 years:D
i dont want to be lazy no more i dont want to be damn lagha no more
i want to be better:D
exhausted? yeah kind of but okayy lah :D
not much desire to shop.
not much desire to watch movies or series
not THAT much desire to fb-ing
STILL fb-ing but not that much:D
Sunday, October 11, 2009
lelaki dan aiskrim
balik gamaah
singgah kedai gambar , beli nutella
terserempak dengan seorang lelaki arab yang sedang duduk di atas kerusi roda,
sedang cuba makan aiskrim.
aku berhenti sebentar.
dia bersusah payah makan, berusaha dengan gigih
tiba tiba ais krim tersebut terjatuh
aku yang sedang berdiri di hadapannya tersentak
apa perlu aku buat?
dia ingin mengambil aiskrim tersebut semula tetapi tidak terdaya,
kerana keadaanya yang cacat
aku pun mengambil aiskrim tersebut dengan perasaan bersalah dari atas tanah
dan aku tidak tahu apa perlu aku buat sekarang
mahu bagi, takkanlah aiskrim yang jatuh mahu diberi semula
namun mukanya penuh mengharap, dia tak mampu bergerak, berharap aku membantunya
aku beri semula aiskrim tersebut kepadanya
dan dia makann semula
mukanya menyentuh hati
sumpah aku rasa kasihan
sumpah aku rasa nak beli aiskrim baru
tapi aku tak reti
aku tak tahu nak buat apa
Ya Allah, kau berikanlah dia kebahagiaan hidup
kaubantulah aku supaya suatu hari nanti aku dapat bantu insan sepertinya
p/s: bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kau ada
singgah kedai gambar , beli nutella
terserempak dengan seorang lelaki arab yang sedang duduk di atas kerusi roda,
sedang cuba makan aiskrim.
aku berhenti sebentar.
dia bersusah payah makan, berusaha dengan gigih
tiba tiba ais krim tersebut terjatuh
aku yang sedang berdiri di hadapannya tersentak
apa perlu aku buat?
dia ingin mengambil aiskrim tersebut semula tetapi tidak terdaya,
kerana keadaanya yang cacat
aku pun mengambil aiskrim tersebut dengan perasaan bersalah dari atas tanah
dan aku tidak tahu apa perlu aku buat sekarang
mahu bagi, takkanlah aiskrim yang jatuh mahu diberi semula
namun mukanya penuh mengharap, dia tak mampu bergerak, berharap aku membantunya
aku beri semula aiskrim tersebut kepadanya
dan dia makann semula
mukanya menyentuh hati
sumpah aku rasa kasihan
sumpah aku rasa nak beli aiskrim baru
tapi aku tak reti
aku tak tahu nak buat apa
Ya Allah, kau berikanlah dia kebahagiaan hidup
kaubantulah aku supaya suatu hari nanti aku dapat bantu insan sepertinya
p/s: bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kau ada
Thursday, October 8, 2009
orientation orientation and orientation
day till night
i am getting exhausted
i want to rest
i want to sleep and wake up in the afternoon
i am asked to do things they want us to do which, i dislike.
i want to eat good food. makan skrg tak sedap :(
cepatlah abis orientasi ni. -.-
boleh g usha makanan sedap sedap :D
p/s: and btw just now was the very first time i walked without faci, i mean we were free to go wherever we liked. didn't have to follow anyone. BEST
i felt good
day till night
i am getting exhausted
i want to rest
i want to sleep and wake up in the afternoon
i am asked to do things they want us to do which, i dislike.
i want to eat good food. makan skrg tak sedap :(
cepatlah abis orientasi ni. -.-
boleh g usha makanan sedap sedap :D
p/s: and btw just now was the very first time i walked without faci, i mean we were free to go wherever we liked. didn't have to follow anyone. BEST
i felt good
Saturday, October 3, 2009
coretan di malam hari
SUMPAH aku bosan
SUMPAH aku nak cepat cepat pergi alex.
makanan aku tak boleh pilih + nak basuh baju tak boleh sabun takde pulak + nak download how i met your mother lah kawan kawan + aku selaluuu sangat lapar lapar perut aku menyanyi menyanyi -.-'
tak suka tak suka tak suka dengar
nanti berat naik lagi
mane pergi azam kau yang menggunung tu nina?
ye ye je kate taknak makan
taknak makan ape kejadahhh??
lapar je memanjang o.o
AH nasiib baik bilik aku ada wi-fi
duduk terlentang tepi tingkap bukak tingkap bukak laptop bukak internet yang lembab sial ni.
nasib baik line curi kalau kena bayar dah lama aku campak modem *.-
DALAM dewan orientasi mata melilau mencari cari kelibat semua orang
tak habis habis
nak kata suka tak jugak, nak kate nak tengok pun tak jugak
aku pun tak paham dengan diri sendiri
boleh sesiapa bagi tahu aku apa yang terkumpul dalam kepala otak aku sekarang ini?
aku confuse pulak -.-'
PERGI berjalan-jalan keliling pekan
berjalan jalan mencari rotan
melilau lilau tanpa arah tujuan
aaaah BOSAN!
SEKIAN sahaja coretan di malam shahdu ni
dah pukul 4 pagi lahh weh
ehh bukan, baru pukul 10.30 MALAM
apasal semua senyap? tidur dah? malam masih muda lah makcik pakcik adik adik.
-MULUTku semakin menjadi jadi. Doakan aku insaf. Sekian
SUMPAH aku nak cepat cepat pergi alex.
makanan aku tak boleh pilih + nak basuh baju tak boleh sabun takde pulak + nak download how i met your mother lah kawan kawan + aku selaluuu sangat lapar lapar perut aku menyanyi menyanyi -.-'
tak suka tak suka tak suka dengar
nanti berat naik lagi
mane pergi azam kau yang menggunung tu nina?
ye ye je kate taknak makan
taknak makan ape kejadahhh??
lapar je memanjang o.o
AH nasiib baik bilik aku ada wi-fi
duduk terlentang tepi tingkap bukak tingkap bukak laptop bukak internet yang lembab sial ni.
nasib baik line curi kalau kena bayar dah lama aku campak modem *.-
DALAM dewan orientasi mata melilau mencari cari kelibat semua orang
tak habis habis
nak kata suka tak jugak, nak kate nak tengok pun tak jugak
aku pun tak paham dengan diri sendiri
boleh sesiapa bagi tahu aku apa yang terkumpul dalam kepala otak aku sekarang ini?
aku confuse pulak -.-'
PERGI berjalan-jalan keliling pekan
berjalan jalan mencari rotan
melilau lilau tanpa arah tujuan
aaaah BOSAN!
SEKIAN sahaja coretan di malam shahdu ni
dah pukul 4 pagi lahh weh
ehh bukan, baru pukul 10.30 MALAM
apasal semua senyap? tidur dah? malam masih muda lah makcik pakcik adik adik.
-MULUTku semakin menjadi jadi. Doakan aku insaf. Sekian
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
ariving at destination in 5 seconds
and here i am yeah, cairo
dewan abassiyah. never been here before.
we're going to have our orientation tomorrow i think
lepaking here and then go shopping in the evening
i have nothing interesting to write here actually
just want to inform that i have arrived safely, happily, sadly, merengly, bengongly, semangatly. o.o
going to aleex on 5th oct.
and here i am yeah, cairo
dewan abassiyah. never been here before.
we're going to have our orientation tomorrow i think
lepaking here and then go shopping in the evening
i have nothing interesting to write here actually
just want to inform that i have arrived safely, happily, sadly, merengly, bengongly, semangatly. o.o
going to aleex on 5th oct.
Monday, September 28, 2009
im saying this one more time
Bye Bye Bye
see you next year, Malaysia.
bye rumah. bye bilik. bye keluarga. bye cousins. bye rakan rakan, bye makanan o.o
i am going to misss everyy single thing T.T
and yeah, new resolution
less movie, less sleep, less food. more book, more exercise.
so wish me luck!! x)
and yeah this is my last post in malaysia this year.
going to de palma in the afternoon; eat, watch movie, relax and klia at night
flight : kuwait air; 0315 transit; kuwait-cairo.
i am ready for new challenges and new environment yeah! *erk eh ready ke?belum kut-.-*
see you next year, Malaysia.
bye rumah. bye bilik. bye keluarga. bye cousins. bye rakan rakan, bye makanan o.o
i am going to misss everyy single thing T.T
and yeah, new resolution
less movie, less sleep, less food. more book, more exercise.
so wish me luck!! x)
and yeah this is my last post in malaysia this year.
going to de palma in the afternoon; eat, watch movie, relax and klia at night
flight : kuwait air; 0315 transit; kuwait-cairo.
i am ready for new challenges and new environment yeah! *erk eh ready ke?belum kut-.-*
Thursday, September 24, 2009

pergi reunion rumah syiqa
ramai tak ada
tapi ramai juga ada
rindu mereka
sayang mereka
tangkap gmbar dengan mereka.
hahaa mea join jugak. sorry lah kalau bosan -.-
makanan banyak tapi ntah la kenyang pullak
ainil huda cakap lajuu pun adaa :D
tiqa smira zue nisa raudhah milahh sayang:D raja ban afif pun ada
aku sayang mereka
ban selalu cakap ' sumpa duh kalau boleh patah balik aku nak jdi mcm dulu'
aku pun mcm tu ban,
best kan hidup mcm dulu?
tapi nak buat mcm mana, hidup berjalan.
bukan berhenti
nak taknak kena terima hakikat
tapi rais takde, aina takde, fuad takde, tasha takde, pekdon takde, amir takde, daus pun takde, fan takde,
nak jumpe korang
dah setahun. rindu. :(
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Received a card from an old friend of mine whom i tried to forget
well 2 of them actually
but one is now a cool friend of mine
and another one is supposed to be a history
didn't expect that person to sign the card pun
Di kesempatan ini saya mengucapkan
Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin
sepuluh tangan disusun mohon ampun atas silap dan salah
terkasar bahasa, depan depan, dalam facebook blogger myspace friendster ym atau blogger mumkin?
harap semua dapat menyambut hari raya dengan gembira dan bersederhanalah dalam segala benda
kepada yang bakal berambus dari Malaysia minggu depan
nikmatilah makanan malaysia , udara, bunyi, penglihatan di sini sebanyak mungkin
anda mungkin tidak dapat merasainya dalam tempoh beberapa bulan akan datang. haha
yang memandu, dengan motor atau kereta,
pandulah dengan cermat
ingatlah orang yang tersayang:D
Friday, September 18, 2009
and it's empty
i'm supposed to feel happy but i dont T.T
i'm supposed to feel excited but i feel empty -.-
at least not now
not at this moment
not today ='(
cheer me up, anyone?
i'm supposed to feel excited but i feel empty -.-
at least not now
not at this moment
not today ='(
cheer me up, anyone?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Friends, i am so missing you guys like thousand million trillion lemon lemon times and daaah?
i don't know why but i haven't get the chance to actually talk and laugh and talk and laugh and scream so hard that my stomach and liver and pancreas and heart and every organs i have in my bodyy burst ,with you guys and i miss those moments.:(
and even sometimes when we hung out i just felt awkward
yah trillion times true that i'm the only one who feels like that but duh what do you expect,?
i was gone for months while you guys keep treasuring the meaning of friendship without me. *sigh*
feel like everybody has been busy and we have no time for ourselves *sigh again*
and i just realized my pictures with them are mostly gone * cry cry*
where did i save those pictures?
i believed we took dozens of pictures but where the hell are they?
i want those pictures back waa T_T
milah milah milah imy so much
rindu nak ckp ngn milahh
and don't ever think that aina and i trase or anything like that bile milah dgn tan = =
we understand and and and never ever everr trase :D
we still love you the way we always do *promise!*
sayang milah double triple double lagi triple lagi
life is not the same without you dah la milah tade facebook pstuuu da g blaja tak cutii baru jumpe skali ari tu tu pun kejap + tak dpt banyak ckpp :(
nk nanges bace post milah kt myspacee T.T
and you know, some of them i've lost contact

such as nisa and raudhah * darling how come?! you have blog too right?! activate it! *
now seriously i want us to go back to form 5 surely without spm
and enjoy ourselves to death
am looking forward to meeting mea too.
we have to meet before i go to egypt okay
i haven't give you the present yet.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
how i met your mother

this is a post about one of my favourite tv series.
and it is, how i met your mother.
this is a story about a guy named TED MOSBY in year 2030 where he tells his children how he met their mother. and the flashback starts
up till now, 4 seasons have been aired and the fifth season is believed to be aired in a few weeks in US of course. I can't wait to watch the fifth season because the past four seasons rock!
haha there are 5 main characters in HIMYM ; Ted, Robin, Lily, Marshall and Barney.
Among these 5 characters, i have to say i like Barney the most. I mean, in real life he's a gay, like.. a real gay? but in this series, he rocks his character as a player, who loves hot chicks and never believed in marriage but suddenly he falls in love with Robin and his conflicts with Robin start in the end of fourth season when both Robin and Barney do not want to admit their feelings.LOL
Fourth season also ends with Ted giving up on his architect career and instead teaches architect classes.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
a place called egypt
everyone is leaving
old friend
myspace friend
ym friend
best friend
and even me
one thing that we have in common,
all of us are going to the same place,
a place called egypt
when i was young, and i heard that someone's going there i went
' cheh mesir?'lol
like what people always say ' what goes around comes around'
i was chosen to go there.
the very first time i arrived in egypt, i was so damn frustrated
my first impression was not good
haha well no one ever told me about that country
but it was better than what i imagined
i expected the uni to be in the middle of the dessert, and the temperature will be damn high
but it was cold and dusty and so, dull?
the very first thing i heard was drivers honking non stop
i was trying to sleep so i was like
"shut the hell up you bloody sons of bitches"
"shut the hell up you bloody sons of bitches"
yes, i was emotional, young and immature.
well good reasons,
that was the very first time i had no friends around,
that was the very first time i live far away from home,
that was the very first time i was alone, with not a single person i know
i've never lived in hostel, boarding school etc
everything i did with my friends, so when i was alone, i went a little bit insane. hhaha
the next few months were dull and frustrating and not interesting at all.
there was one time a senior asked me
" what do you find interesting here"
and i replied ,
" er nothing?"
" ooh then, what do you dislike?"
" ooh A LOT. dirty places, the people, the noise and everything. "
but as time passes by, i learned a lot
about the people, the culture, lifestyle, and even the county
and i started to fall in love with it
it's just unbelievable
no matter how dusty, how noisy, how dirty, how loud how dull or how annoying the people are
i accepted every single thing by heart
for me egypt is a special country
it was the country where prophets were borned,
and many many islamic histories happened there
i even went to some places
where the prophet Musa actually climbed a mountain to see Allah,
where 40 prophets gather around for a meeting
it's just amazing and unbelievable you know
it's just amazing and unbelievable you know
standing near the spot they stood
and things you wanted, if you keep praying and asking by heart, will be granted insyaAllah
i tried a few times bfore and it worked
amazing, right?
and just when i was starting to get along with everyone, i was asked to go back to Malaysia for mara's scholarship
it was again, frustrating
i had to leave all my friends behind,
but hey, it doesn;t matter because i'm coming back
with a lot of new friends.
different state but still the same country
i'm going to miss zagazig
cause heyy, where on earth can you ever find a big house, 2 rooms, 2 living rooms and a large, large sutuh outside for only 450 geneh per month= about rm300???
haha anyway, once again, here i come, EGYPT!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
well semalam kitorang ada meeting dengan mara
i expected the meeting to over before 1
last last stuck daripada pukul 8 pagi smpai 4 petang
at first i thougt im going to fly on 29th sept 11 pm but they changed the schedule and i dont know why
flight kuwait air transit kat kuwait.
same je mcm mase pegi zagazig tu. timing fly pun same. transit je lame sikit
so kene ade kat airport 28 sept pukul 11 mlm
kurang sehari nk lepak kt malaysia
anyway they gave us A LOT of money
semalam lah first time aku pegang duit banyak banyak
overall punye total rm16,000
baiknye mara bagi duit shopping
barang barang mostly aku dah ada
gune je beg baju yang aku bawak pegi zagzig dulu
hee so da save banyak duit kt situ
da tatau da nk beli ape. tambah a few more kasut sarung
and a sweater.
then habis tu pegi lah mid valley ngn beberape orang manusie
yeye je nk beli banyak barang last last beli beg je
barang lain cm tak minat plak..
berbuke kat mcd dpt big mac free
thanks mijan:D
and continued searching for stuff i wanted to buy
tak jumpe jugak lol
yang lain balik sg buloh aku je yang kene naik lrt pegi wangse maju
p/s : ape lagi ek yang kene beli?
i expected the meeting to over before 1
last last stuck daripada pukul 8 pagi smpai 4 petang
at first i thougt im going to fly on 29th sept 11 pm but they changed the schedule and i dont know why
flight kuwait air transit kat kuwait.
same je mcm mase pegi zagazig tu. timing fly pun same. transit je lame sikit
so kene ade kat airport 28 sept pukul 11 mlm
kurang sehari nk lepak kt malaysia
anyway they gave us A LOT of money
semalam lah first time aku pegang duit banyak banyak
overall punye total rm16,000
baiknye mara bagi duit shopping
barang barang mostly aku dah ada
gune je beg baju yang aku bawak pegi zagzig dulu
hee so da save banyak duit kt situ
da tatau da nk beli ape. tambah a few more kasut sarung
and a sweater.
then habis tu pegi lah mid valley ngn beberape orang manusie
yeye je nk beli banyak barang last last beli beg je
barang lain cm tak minat plak..
berbuke kat mcd dpt big mac free
thanks mijan:D
and continued searching for stuff i wanted to buy
tak jumpe jugak lol
yang lain balik sg buloh aku je yang kene naik lrt pegi wangse maju
p/s : ape lagi ek yang kene beli?
Monday, August 31, 2009
semua tentang kita
Akhirnya aku sudah habis belajar di shahputra
hehe setelah hampir 3 bulan
gembirakah? sedihkah?
semuanya bercampur baur
rindu juga mahu ke kelas hari hari
berjalan jalan main boling tonton wayang di bandar
majlis graduasi berjalan dengan lancar
sederhana meriah tetapi kami gembira.
video budak lelaki sangat kacak
membuatkan kami ketawa:D
*tolong jangan perasan. terima kasih*
aku bergambar bersama rakan rakan
dah mengucapkan selamat tinggal
sedih betul.. padahal kami akan bertemu lagi beberapa hari selepas itu-.-
yalah, aku risau di sana kami tidak akan menjadi rapat seperti di sini
bukan senang aku berkawan dengan mereka
lagi lagi dengan budak lelaki yang pada awalnya amat menyakitkan hati
tetapi lama kelamaan aku mula okay dengan mereka.
aku balik lewat. lebih lewat dari yang lain
aku lihat sorang sorang meninggalkan rumah kami
rumah yang kecoh menjadi kosong
sunyi betul
lagi sebulan kami akan berangkat ke alex
bertemu semula
tapi aku risau apabila di sana kami tidak akan berada di kelas sama
risau juga jadi semakin tidak rapat
ahhh aku yang terlalu memikirkannya
sekarang aku lihat apa hikmahnya aku ditakdirkan balik ke malaysia dan tidak terus kekal di zagzig:D
p/s: sudah lama tidak berbahasa skema
go go pre medic shahputra 09!
we can do it and never never give up!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
aku benci lah
aku benci bila ada orang buat aku terase macam aku lah manusia paling jahat kt sini
aku tanak pergi malam ni bukan nye salah
kaksu pun kate tak wajib kan
so kenape nak persoalkan aku pergi ke tak?
bukan aku je tak pergi
ramai sangat
aku tahulah aku tak sebaik orang lain tapi aku bukan buat jahat
aku bukan kacau orang
aku cume tak ada rasa nak pergi program solat maghrib solat hajat solat isya' jemaah and tahlil siaran langsung tv9 tu.
aku tak boleh sembahyang lah weh
aku cume tak tahu apa aku nak buat nanti kat sana
lagipun nak pergi ke tak itu
kalau aku pergi tapi hati tak ikhlas tak buat dengan ikhlas apa guna aku pergi?
pahala tak dapat
lebih baik aku beribadah dekat rumah hati ikhlas Allah terima
aku tau aku tak baik mcm orang lain
dulu dekat sekolah aku tak rasa pun aku jahat aku cuma rasa aku normal
tapi bila datang sini aku terasa yang aku ni jahat sangat
aku bukan tinggal benda wajib
aku buat,
dan kalau kau rasa aku tak pergi program malam ni sebab aku tak suka benda mcm tu,
aku suka tapi memang aku tak ada mood malam ni
aku mintak maaf
kalau kau rasa kau baik sangat
dan kau rasa orang yang tak pergi itu semua jahat
you're not the one to judge
Allah is.
aku benci bila ada orang buat aku terase macam aku lah manusia paling jahat kt sini
aku tanak pergi malam ni bukan nye salah
kaksu pun kate tak wajib kan
so kenape nak persoalkan aku pergi ke tak?
bukan aku je tak pergi
ramai sangat
aku tahulah aku tak sebaik orang lain tapi aku bukan buat jahat
aku bukan kacau orang
aku cume tak ada rasa nak pergi program solat maghrib solat hajat solat isya' jemaah and tahlil siaran langsung tv9 tu.
aku tak boleh sembahyang lah weh
aku cume tak tahu apa aku nak buat nanti kat sana
lagipun nak pergi ke tak itu
kalau aku pergi tapi hati tak ikhlas tak buat dengan ikhlas apa guna aku pergi?
pahala tak dapat
lebih baik aku beribadah dekat rumah hati ikhlas Allah terima
aku tau aku tak baik mcm orang lain
dulu dekat sekolah aku tak rasa pun aku jahat aku cuma rasa aku normal
tapi bila datang sini aku terasa yang aku ni jahat sangat
aku bukan tinggal benda wajib
aku buat,
dan kalau kau rasa aku tak pergi program malam ni sebab aku tak suka benda mcm tu,
aku suka tapi memang aku tak ada mood malam ni
aku mintak maaf
kalau kau rasa kau baik sangat
dan kau rasa orang yang tak pergi itu semua jahat
you're not the one to judge
Allah is.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
a week to go,
living in kuantan pahang
last saturday my housemates and i went to teluk chempedak
our motive : take lots of pictures
and we succeeded:D
hell, it was fun!:D
played volleyball by the beach
and you know conteng conteng a lot of things on the sand.
at least ada jugak something nak buat rather than sitg at home do nothing but watch movie 24/7.
getting bored already
tanye ustaz, ada graduation tak, die kate ada
mcm bes je graduation
i never had one
okay, once only when i was in standard 6, but daaa, i took a trophy and some pictures and went home,
never had a real graduation -.-'
lately i kept thinking about my old life and friends,
haha such a waste of time kan,
but i just can't help it.
i really enjoy my life here but you know still, i miss my old life , old friends, old place
hehe.. i miss them sooo much and i love them sooo much!
bile nak buat gathering ni,
nk ikut ckp ban ke, wat 5 years after?
sadis gile,
and yeah aku fly 29 september:D
about a week after raye
the same day hariz's going back to indo
wee going back to egypt
second country.
fly skali ngn budak ikip
aduh dah ar tak knal diorang
bapak bosannn -.-
next week balik ada pre-departure
dapat duet boleh shopping
living in kuantan pahang
last saturday my housemates and i went to teluk chempedak
our motive : take lots of pictures
and we succeeded:D
hell, it was fun!:D
played volleyball by the beach
and you know conteng conteng a lot of things on the sand.
at least ada jugak something nak buat rather than sitg at home do nothing but watch movie 24/7.
getting bored already
tanye ustaz, ada graduation tak, die kate ada
mcm bes je graduation
i never had one
okay, once only when i was in standard 6, but daaa, i took a trophy and some pictures and went home,
never had a real graduation -.-'
lately i kept thinking about my old life and friends,
haha such a waste of time kan,
but i just can't help it.
i really enjoy my life here but you know still, i miss my old life , old friends, old place
hehe.. i miss them sooo much and i love them sooo much!
bile nak buat gathering ni,
nk ikut ckp ban ke, wat 5 years after?
sadis gile,
and yeah aku fly 29 september:D
about a week after raye
the same day hariz's going back to indo
wee going back to egypt
second country.
fly skali ngn budak ikip
aduh dah ar tak knal diorang
bapak bosannn -.-
next week balik ada pre-departure
dapat duet boleh shopping
Monday, August 3, 2009
again, one more day
stuck in this house with nothing and nothing and nothing to do
you know just flirting around watching movies, chatting talking and a little bit of memorizing arab ammi.
H1N1 yeah the same thing everywhere
colleges and universities are closing
still waiting, when shahputra is going to close-.-
matriks and uitm, where most of my ex-schoolmates are studying; they took the raya holiday and carry it forward for H1N1 holiday. ah seems like i will not have the chance to meet them before leaving.:(
last saturday we played bowling
overall it was fun but you know the guys booked the lanes for us, i wonder why didn't they let us play side by side. instead they took the middle lane.lol
they killed all the fun i'm going to kill them back!
it was supposed to be housemates'-day-out whatever
we planned on watching the proposal but the movie wasn't out yet
stupid it was supposed to be out on july 30th. i've been waiting for that movie
then sunday came; nothing to do, aha monday came,
we were told to stay at home no need to go to college because everyone is getting sick,
we can't even go out
how the heck am i going to live like this??
\just let us go home for God's sakes!
stuck in this house with nothing and nothing and nothing to do
you know just flirting around watching movies, chatting talking and a little bit of memorizing arab ammi.
H1N1 yeah the same thing everywhere
colleges and universities are closing
still waiting, when shahputra is going to close-.-
matriks and uitm, where most of my ex-schoolmates are studying; they took the raya holiday and carry it forward for H1N1 holiday. ah seems like i will not have the chance to meet them before leaving.:(
last saturday we played bowling
overall it was fun but you know the guys booked the lanes for us, i wonder why didn't they let us play side by side. instead they took the middle lane.lol
they killed all the fun i'm going to kill them back!
it was supposed to be housemates'-day-out whatever
we planned on watching the proposal but the movie wasn't out yet
stupid it was supposed to be out on july 30th. i've been waiting for that movie
then sunday came; nothing to do, aha monday came,
we were told to stay at home no need to go to college because everyone is getting sick,
we can't even go out
how the heck am i going to live like this??
\just let us go home for God's sakes!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
kolej shahputra

Well first i dont care whether or not anyone reads my post
I've been so busy lately.
and i've been feeling so lazyy to update my blog
not that my life story is interesting, unlike others'
haa so what am i going to do ah this week
so busy kut
tonight; played futsal
friday : forum at audi then a nasyid group's going to perform. Nasyid?
sat: bowling and the proposal yeah aktiviti ahlil bait one more time
sunday: going for a talk about alternative medicine and stuff
oh teringat scene semalam
nina: hah? ada konsert? jangan nasyid sudah
jue: hum kalau nasyid tape yang lain aku tanak pegi lah
* bang * kejam kau jue
and i gave tazkirah yesterday and they were all so excited; over excited
limited and special edition version katenye
cheh orang lain tade plak
taw lah aku ni jahat sket tapi aku baik sbenarnye ouh-.-
hee just now played futsal so fun
you know when bunch of girls who had no experience on playing futsal played,
stupid stuff happened, such as :
seluar terkoyak, kpale terhantuk, cramp, tersepak mate,
we spent most of our time taking offside ball instead of kicking the ball! haha
and as for afiqah, bola outside dah masukkan die sepak outside balik
alasan die
"alah biar lah! aku taknak bagi diorang dapat bola tu!"
main 5 minit stop minum pstu main pstu stop
pstu bile sume sepak cm bangang sume telentang gelak atas court
haha surely, if this was a competition, miah miah, we're going to lose!
oh yeah ustaz asked us to do a hiwar
we were so lazy to think of a scene so we translated upin ipin made it an arabic version
haha bes bes bes
aiwah aiwah aiwah:D
I've been so busy lately.
and i've been feeling so lazyy to update my blog
not that my life story is interesting, unlike others'
haa so what am i going to do ah this week
so busy kut
tonight; played futsal
friday : forum at audi then a nasyid group's going to perform. Nasyid?
sat: bowling and the proposal yeah aktiviti ahlil bait one more time
sunday: going for a talk about alternative medicine and stuff
oh teringat scene semalam
nina: hah? ada konsert? jangan nasyid sudah
jue: hum kalau nasyid tape yang lain aku tanak pegi lah
* bang * kejam kau jue
and i gave tazkirah yesterday and they were all so excited; over excited
limited and special edition version katenye
cheh orang lain tade plak
taw lah aku ni jahat sket tapi aku baik sbenarnye ouh-.-
hee just now played futsal so fun
you know when bunch of girls who had no experience on playing futsal played,
stupid stuff happened, such as :
seluar terkoyak, kpale terhantuk, cramp, tersepak mate,
we spent most of our time taking offside ball instead of kicking the ball! haha
and as for afiqah, bola outside dah masukkan die sepak outside balik
alasan die
"alah biar lah! aku taknak bagi diorang dapat bola tu!"
main 5 minit stop minum pstu main pstu stop
pstu bile sume sepak cm bangang sume telentang gelak atas court
haha surely, if this was a competition, miah miah, we're going to lose!
oh yeah ustaz asked us to do a hiwar
we were so lazy to think of a scene so we translated upin ipin made it an arabic version
haha bes bes bes
aiwah aiwah aiwah:D
Friday, July 17, 2009
btn oh btn
ouh rindu online laju laju
kat kuantan online tension nak mati
nak bukak google pun seksa
tak suke tak sukeeee-.-'
well you know what happened last week?
um my lecturer gave our class an assignment
"give 20 reasons why you don't finish your homework.imaginative and creative ideas" whatsoever
so since we were going to btn the next week, we had only a day to do the presentation
so the thing is, my group and I, including boys had a meeting in front of my friend's house.
which is a girl. but you know, our house is not a hostel or anything. it's a semi-d house, like any other houses so we don't expect that we couldn't meet there
well it was raining and we didn't have any other choices-.-
but then the guard came marah marah and everything
ckp ada orang snap picture kitorang lah smpai dato' dato' tau lah jiran jiran semua complain lah
smpai anta msg msg msg
come on lah it's not a big fuss
the point kitorang buat depan rumah tanak bagi ada fitnah nk bagi orang nampak exactly yang kitorang tak wat ape ape yg salah tapi lagi teruk kene ada
oke fine that's a thing
well last monday i went to btn
and i thought it was going to be boooooooooooooorring
haha well the first 2 days were boring
everytime they gave talk or whatever i slept.
tak pernah miss
then bile bangun i'll be the most active person in the hall
and ldk was great
my group was okay
except sometimes the boys became so lazy
damn lazy i mean
and by the time i completely gave up on them diorang plak smangat
but unfortunately my mood was already gone gone gone
Tokji was fun he gave dozens of teka teki and he told us stories
gave us some interesting questions
it was fun
not like some other group
asyik kene psycho je, hampehh
sakit hati je
the game i like most was the bingo game
we had to beat the guys and first game they won second game they won
the third game tokji kate we could do whatever we wanted to do
no rules or anything
belum sempat die kluar ktrg da berebut nak cancel kotak bagi dapat point banyak smbil tolak tolak tanak bagi laki menang pstu gado gado
15 saat dah siap so bile ktrg duduk an, tetibe je kitorang teringat
"weh bende ni mesti ada muslihat weh."
diorang pun mcm "haah la..eh bukan ke die kate org melayu bdendam. die nk test ni"
"aah aah kan die kate sume task ada kaitan ngn kenegaraan"
"eh weh korang korang kite seri jelah"
haha pstu ktrg sembang sembang lah
bile tokji datang die tanye sape menang
and we went "oh kitorang da insaf tanak gado gado.seri je lah"
then die explen explen turned out we were right
die kate kalaulah ktrg gado berebut nak menang ktrg patutnye kene berarak smbil pegang buku perlembagaan malaysia smbil nyanyi lagu patriotik
die tak expect pun ktrg bleh berdamai since belum smpat diorang kluar ktrang da gado gado da
haha nasib baik insaf:DD
hebat tak kami?
kat kuantan online tension nak mati
nak bukak google pun seksa
tak suke tak sukeeee-.-'
well you know what happened last week?
um my lecturer gave our class an assignment
"give 20 reasons why you don't finish your homework.imaginative and creative ideas" whatsoever
so since we were going to btn the next week, we had only a day to do the presentation
so the thing is, my group and I, including boys had a meeting in front of my friend's house.
which is a girl. but you know, our house is not a hostel or anything. it's a semi-d house, like any other houses so we don't expect that we couldn't meet there
well it was raining and we didn't have any other choices-.-
but then the guard came marah marah and everything
ckp ada orang snap picture kitorang lah smpai dato' dato' tau lah jiran jiran semua complain lah
smpai anta msg msg msg
come on lah it's not a big fuss
the point kitorang buat depan rumah tanak bagi ada fitnah nk bagi orang nampak exactly yang kitorang tak wat ape ape yg salah tapi lagi teruk kene ada
oke fine that's a thing
well last monday i went to btn
and i thought it was going to be boooooooooooooorring
haha well the first 2 days were boring
everytime they gave talk or whatever i slept.
tak pernah miss
then bile bangun i'll be the most active person in the hall
and ldk was great
my group was okay
except sometimes the boys became so lazy
damn lazy i mean
and by the time i completely gave up on them diorang plak smangat
but unfortunately my mood was already gone gone gone
Tokji was fun he gave dozens of teka teki and he told us stories
gave us some interesting questions
it was fun
not like some other group
asyik kene psycho je, hampehh
sakit hati je
the game i like most was the bingo game
we had to beat the guys and first game they won second game they won
the third game tokji kate we could do whatever we wanted to do
no rules or anything
belum sempat die kluar ktrg da berebut nak cancel kotak bagi dapat point banyak smbil tolak tolak tanak bagi laki menang pstu gado gado
15 saat dah siap so bile ktrg duduk an, tetibe je kitorang teringat
"weh bende ni mesti ada muslihat weh."
diorang pun mcm "haah la..eh bukan ke die kate org melayu bdendam. die nk test ni"
"aah aah kan die kate sume task ada kaitan ngn kenegaraan"
"eh weh korang korang kite seri jelah"
haha pstu ktrg sembang sembang lah
bile tokji datang die tanye sape menang
and we went "oh kitorang da insaf tanak gado gado.seri je lah"
then die explen explen turned out we were right
die kate kalaulah ktrg gado berebut nak menang ktrg patutnye kene berarak smbil pegang buku perlembagaan malaysia smbil nyanyi lagu patriotik
die tak expect pun ktrg bleh berdamai since belum smpat diorang kluar ktrang da gado gado da
haha nasib baik insaf:DD
hebat tak kami?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
today was
how do we spell it?
really ah?i dont really know how to describe it
have been playing futsal for a couple of days
yeah first time playing it with a real-timing whatsoever
after a few minutes i already felt like falling
ahaha have a match tomorrow morning
but i enjoy it
it was....fun.
haha except when some of my classmates already making noise saying go nina go nina
and something like 'nina main kasar' lah ' go zagzig lah',
i felt like kicking them and that's when i screamed "diorang ni tak boleh senyap ke?"
and they went 'rilex la nina"
banyak la korang rilex dah la tengah pening.seriously my body felt effin hot and i really felt dizzy
just now got sukan but my friends and i ponteng already slept at home
then came back got sukaneka
but kalah ony menang a few games ony.
haha pity us right but nobody cares/
so wish me luck!
how do we spell it?
really ah?i dont really know how to describe it
have been playing futsal for a couple of days
yeah first time playing it with a real-timing whatsoever
after a few minutes i already felt like falling
ahaha have a match tomorrow morning
but i enjoy it
it was....fun.
haha except when some of my classmates already making noise saying go nina go nina
and something like 'nina main kasar' lah ' go zagzig lah',
i felt like kicking them and that's when i screamed "diorang ni tak boleh senyap ke?"
and they went 'rilex la nina"
banyak la korang rilex dah la tengah pening.seriously my body felt effin hot and i really felt dizzy
just now got sukan but my friends and i ponteng already slept at home
then came back got sukaneka
but kalah ony menang a few games ony.
haha pity us right but nobody cares/
so wish me luck!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
live life to the max
Live life to the max.
I wonder ,is there anything i can talk about?
well nothing interesting happened to me these past few days
my schedule; just the same
plus a few assignments and homeworks, which of course i have no mood to do,
marathon; just want to finish watching all the big bang theory second season,
because i still have my name is earl, how i met your mother, house, smallville and a few tv series waiting in my list to be watched before september.gaha
october is another story; new list, new movies.:D
Well here we learn arabic, anatomy, physiology and anatomy.
to be honest, i like english class a lot,
first; because i love english
second; because the class isn't that boring, there's always something to do,
minus sir pritam chose me as the class monitor; too bad, i'm not a good class monitor and i just don't think i'm going to be one
well as i said last week we had the titanic presentation,
well i'm not lucky enough, aside from being the only female group leader in the class ( i was forced to) we were the 'lucky number one' to do the presentation
guess it's just not my luck
syafik and i forgot to bring our text, luckily we remembered a few things about the presentation
well, perhaps our group was not the best but we did our best and we tried our best. that's the most important thing kan.
and i'm also starting to be damn talkative
i just cant help myself but talking
sometimes i asked myself to be quiet but sure, i failed.
i went back home a few days ago and went shopping to buy some baju baik,.lol
and when i started to wear them to class,
they said i;m starting to be that 'girly' kind of girl
and feminine or whatever
ouh dah, it's actualy normal for me to wear those stuff, its just that, its been quite a long time since i last dressed like that, because i didn't have the clothes or the bags or the shoes or anything! not because i've changed or what. i finally have those baju baik, i'm going to throw away all my baju jahat. lol. it's hard to be a girl, isn't it?-.-'
I wonder ,is there anything i can talk about?
well nothing interesting happened to me these past few days
my schedule; just the same
plus a few assignments and homeworks, which of course i have no mood to do,
marathon; just want to finish watching all the big bang theory second season,
because i still have my name is earl, how i met your mother, house, smallville and a few tv series waiting in my list to be watched before september.gaha
october is another story; new list, new movies.:D
Well here we learn arabic, anatomy, physiology and anatomy.
to be honest, i like english class a lot,
first; because i love english
second; because the class isn't that boring, there's always something to do,
minus sir pritam chose me as the class monitor; too bad, i'm not a good class monitor and i just don't think i'm going to be one
well as i said last week we had the titanic presentation,
well i'm not lucky enough, aside from being the only female group leader in the class ( i was forced to) we were the 'lucky number one' to do the presentation
guess it's just not my luck
syafik and i forgot to bring our text, luckily we remembered a few things about the presentation
well, perhaps our group was not the best but we did our best and we tried our best. that's the most important thing kan.
and i'm also starting to be damn talkative
i just cant help myself but talking
sometimes i asked myself to be quiet but sure, i failed.
i went back home a few days ago and went shopping to buy some baju baik,.lol
and when i started to wear them to class,
they said i;m starting to be that 'girly' kind of girl
and feminine or whatever
ouh dah, it's actualy normal for me to wear those stuff, its just that, its been quite a long time since i last dressed like that, because i didn't have the clothes or the bags or the shoes or anything! not because i've changed or what. i finally have those baju baik, i'm going to throw away all my baju jahat. lol. it's hard to be a girl, isn't it?-.-'
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
misteri kedua: misteri rumah dipecah
rumahku dimasuki pencuri
atau perompak?
ah either one sama sahaja
kejadian bermula beberapa hari lalu apabila kami digemparkan dengan berita rumah rakan rakan lelaki kami dipecahkan oleh beberapa orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab.musykil aku sebentar.
barang yang hilang adalah seperti berikut;
- psp
aku musykil betapa bangang dan bodohnya pencuri tersebut laptop dan hard disc tidak pula dicuri sedangkan barangan tersebut lebih berharga
jadi kami membuat kesimpulan,
"perompak tu bute IT lah weh. bodoh tak pegi sekolah"
hari pun berlalu. keesokan harinya kami ke kuliah seperti biasa mengandaikan tiada perkara buruk bakal berlaku, Namun apabila pulang kami sekali lagi digemparkan dengan berita rumah budak lelaki dipecah masuk lagi!
hebat kali ini kasut dan kamera hilang.
maka banyaklah polis yang datang dan malam pun berlalu.
keesokan harinya kami melakukan aktiviti seperti biasa
namun begitu semalam, apabila kami pulang dari kuliah dan ingin terus buat perjumpaan untuk presentation, sekali lagi aku digemparkan dengan berita pecah rumah.
sedang aku asyik menikmati keindahan angin di depan taman permainan,
rakanku mendapat panggilan mengatakan rumahkuuuu pula yang dipecah masuk!
agak bangang bukan
aku dengan segera berlari ke rumah malangnya kunci ada pada budak kecik yang ketika itu berada di secret recipe untuk membeli kek hari jadi untuk ami.
bilik depan selamat, tiada barang hilang. apabila budak kecik pulang dan membuka pintu, aku mendapati barangku diselongkar. tak gune punya pencuri! tak pasal pasal kene kemas bilik!
untungnya barangku tiada yang hilang hanya barang rakanku sahaja. handphone dan wang bernilan rm 400.
sangat hebat.
rumahku menjadi tumpuan buat seketika waktu dengan kedatangan jiran, pihak pengurusan dan juga polis.
aku ingin sekali menyumpat pencuri itu ke dalam lokap
muncullah wahai pencuri agar aku dapat membelasah kamu
tak pasal pasal kami terpaksa pindah rumah
ini tidak adil!
aku tak mahu pindah ke alam perdana yag amat membosankan!-.-'
ah rmah da cukup baik berlaku pula hal sebegini
agak membangangkan dan menyakitkan hati okay.
atau perompak?
ah either one sama sahaja
kejadian bermula beberapa hari lalu apabila kami digemparkan dengan berita rumah rakan rakan lelaki kami dipecahkan oleh beberapa orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab.musykil aku sebentar.
barang yang hilang adalah seperti berikut;
- psp
aku musykil betapa bangang dan bodohnya pencuri tersebut laptop dan hard disc tidak pula dicuri sedangkan barangan tersebut lebih berharga
jadi kami membuat kesimpulan,
"perompak tu bute IT lah weh. bodoh tak pegi sekolah"
hari pun berlalu. keesokan harinya kami ke kuliah seperti biasa mengandaikan tiada perkara buruk bakal berlaku, Namun apabila pulang kami sekali lagi digemparkan dengan berita rumah budak lelaki dipecah masuk lagi!
hebat kali ini kasut dan kamera hilang.
maka banyaklah polis yang datang dan malam pun berlalu.
keesokan harinya kami melakukan aktiviti seperti biasa
namun begitu semalam, apabila kami pulang dari kuliah dan ingin terus buat perjumpaan untuk presentation, sekali lagi aku digemparkan dengan berita pecah rumah.
sedang aku asyik menikmati keindahan angin di depan taman permainan,
rakanku mendapat panggilan mengatakan rumahkuuuu pula yang dipecah masuk!
agak bangang bukan
aku dengan segera berlari ke rumah malangnya kunci ada pada budak kecik yang ketika itu berada di secret recipe untuk membeli kek hari jadi untuk ami.
bilik depan selamat, tiada barang hilang. apabila budak kecik pulang dan membuka pintu, aku mendapati barangku diselongkar. tak gune punya pencuri! tak pasal pasal kene kemas bilik!
untungnya barangku tiada yang hilang hanya barang rakanku sahaja. handphone dan wang bernilan rm 400.
sangat hebat.
rumahku menjadi tumpuan buat seketika waktu dengan kedatangan jiran, pihak pengurusan dan juga polis.
aku ingin sekali menyumpat pencuri itu ke dalam lokap
muncullah wahai pencuri agar aku dapat membelasah kamu
tak pasal pasal kami terpaksa pindah rumah
ini tidak adil!
aku tak mahu pindah ke alam perdana yag amat membosankan!-.-'
ah rmah da cukup baik berlaku pula hal sebegini
agak membangangkan dan menyakitkan hati okay.
Friday, June 12, 2009
once again
life is great
counting days in shahputra
learning having fun, hanging out with friends, eating.:D
heee 3 months and i'm going to egypt again.
going to meet all my friends once again :D
can't wait though
well i'm feeling quite happy.
laugh laugh and laugh.
no emotional thingy like i used to always have o.o
2 weeks already got assignment
need to present the titanic thingy using power point
aduh, fobia after an incident about a year ago?
have i ever wrote about that?
went out to movie already, went out in the middle of the night to eat mcD
finally, yay!
then tomorrow going to the beach and museum? duh
i dont know wth are we supposed to do there
counting days in shahputra
learning having fun, hanging out with friends, eating.:D
heee 3 months and i'm going to egypt again.
going to meet all my friends once again :D
can't wait though
well i'm feeling quite happy.
laugh laugh and laugh.
no emotional thingy like i used to always have o.o
2 weeks already got assignment
need to present the titanic thingy using power point
aduh, fobia after an incident about a year ago?
have i ever wrote about that?
went out to movie already, went out in the middle of the night to eat mcD
finally, yay!
then tomorrow going to the beach and museum? duh
i dont know wth are we supposed to do there
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
akhirnya aku sudah selamat mendaftar shahputra
perlu menghadap muka shahputra hari hari selama 3 bulan?
tidakkah itu membosankan?
aku mendapat satu bilik yang agak sempit tetapi cool. 4 orang satu bilikk
tetapi rumahnya agak chantek walaupun disertai dengan wiring yang agak mcm sial asyik terputus je nak charge laptop pun kena fikir beribu kali?
bukankah itu hebat? uhm rumah baru la katakan..
tambah hebat aku tidak sempat membeli sabun mandi dan ubat gigi tambahan tiada kedai b erdekatan perlu meminjam dari rakan dan aku tidak suka meminjam!
makan dapat free minum dapat free semuanya free?
haha itu yang menarik
segala benda free itu menarik bukan?
rakan rakan? uhm kebanyakannya agak hebat
boleh lah dibuat rakan.
bersembang berbual. cuma kadangkala aku suka berseorangan
harap faham:D
akhirnya aku sudah selamat mendaftar shahputra
perlu menghadap muka shahputra hari hari selama 3 bulan?
tidakkah itu membosankan?
aku mendapat satu bilik yang agak sempit tetapi cool. 4 orang satu bilikk
tetapi rumahnya agak chantek walaupun disertai dengan wiring yang agak mcm sial asyik terputus je nak charge laptop pun kena fikir beribu kali?
bukankah itu hebat? uhm rumah baru la katakan..
tambah hebat aku tidak sempat membeli sabun mandi dan ubat gigi tambahan tiada kedai b erdekatan perlu meminjam dari rakan dan aku tidak suka meminjam!
makan dapat free minum dapat free semuanya free?
haha itu yang menarik
segala benda free itu menarik bukan?
rakan rakan? uhm kebanyakannya agak hebat
boleh lah dibuat rakan.
bersembang berbual. cuma kadangkala aku suka berseorangan
harap faham:D
Saturday, May 30, 2009
helloooo Malaysia!
haha yes finally am in Malaysia.
well too lazy to update blog but since i got nothing to do here in kuantan, waiting patiently for Monday to arrive.
Well my last days in Egypt were great.
I hung out with my friends and we had a great time
haha i went to hussin to shop shop shop with other 6 mates and 2 mushrifs/:D
Oh the only thing i bought for me there was a keychain. everything else was not for me. hehe
the last day was busy! I woke up early in the morning and met ustaz mumtaz to take my LE1200// yay shopping!
then i met prof then went to 7 days pizza where omar and afif were already waiting. At first we planned on hanging out in Cairo, but some people were busy. plus, there were a few important things i had to take care of. So I went there to 7 days with Fatimah . We didnt know that restaurant ever existed. sedih gile. if i knew, id go there many many times because the pizzas were okayyy. So we waited for Shifa bob and Anati. Then tetibe Haziq and Teng and Hasif pun ada.hehe sadly, anati left before the pizza even arrived. waaa anati tamau kwn!!:( haha my fault i paid early that guys over there already halau halau us when we actually wanted to stay there for quite a long time.
then i met mama by night i arrived home and yes, i had to pack everythingg! and there was so many things to do and i had no time. at the very last minute, there were so many things missing and i couldnt find them
I was so tension with things and everything
I wanted to leave happily then i got news that some of my friends couldnt follow us to the airport. I was so damn frustrated. there were 3 vans going and only 5 of my friends going!
that was so unfair:(
kak mira haizum and biha couldnt follow us:( only tim shifa aineen anati and kak erah. thanks guys. haha
i thought i was already late my friends all brought my bags downstairs and we waited for the van and other mates to arrive for like an hour ++
hampeh, baik tido dulu
and plus, omar forgot to bring his hard disc,
i wanted one tree hill and prison break season finale so damn much-.-'
seems like i have to download them all
but well i cant really blame him because he was so busy and he did help me A LOT!
thanks eh pakcik!
well i received a lot of presents. going to upload the pictures soon. bears from shifa and kak mira, a clock from biha and haizum, a cute blouse from aineen, scarf from timah, key chain from dila, chocolates from hasif omar afif anati and 25 cent from bob with his sign on it.haha
well i'm bringing them all to shahputra haha and the chocolates i haven't eaten them.sayanggg:D
um i reached Malaysia 2 days ago . As soon as i reached here, i went to ampang to meet my grandmother. So there was um, rendang, masak lemak cili api, big apple, bawal masak merah, sambal minyak! hahaa the next day i ate nasi lemak, nasi beriyani, padprik, tomyam, KERABU MANGGA etc etc. and now i am already in Kuantan going to Shahputra on Monday. I wonder what's going to happen. hehe. the thing is, i don't feel all jakun seeing things here, its like im used to everything. its like i never ever left malaysia.haha it's good, perhaps.:DD
So i was so busy for the past two days. Went to clinic, made a new bank card, went for medical check up, packing , borang borang etc etc.
But it was all worth it:D
so just going to relax today and tomorrow here, going to the beach, swimming pool sleep sleep, online online eat eat here with family and grandmother and an aunt:D
yayyy wish me luck okay:D
haha yes finally am in Malaysia.
well too lazy to update blog but since i got nothing to do here in kuantan, waiting patiently for Monday to arrive.
Well my last days in Egypt were great.
I hung out with my friends and we had a great time
haha i went to hussin to shop shop shop with other 6 mates and 2 mushrifs/:D
Oh the only thing i bought for me there was a keychain. everything else was not for me. hehe
the last day was busy! I woke up early in the morning and met ustaz mumtaz to take my LE1200// yay shopping!
then i met prof then went to 7 days pizza where omar and afif were already waiting. At first we planned on hanging out in Cairo, but some people were busy. plus, there were a few important things i had to take care of. So I went there to 7 days with Fatimah . We didnt know that restaurant ever existed. sedih gile. if i knew, id go there many many times because the pizzas were okayyy. So we waited for Shifa bob and Anati. Then tetibe Haziq and Teng and Hasif pun ada.hehe sadly, anati left before the pizza even arrived. waaa anati tamau kwn!!:( haha my fault i paid early that guys over there already halau halau us when we actually wanted to stay there for quite a long time.
then i met mama by night i arrived home and yes, i had to pack everythingg! and there was so many things to do and i had no time. at the very last minute, there were so many things missing and i couldnt find them
I was so tension with things and everything
I wanted to leave happily then i got news that some of my friends couldnt follow us to the airport. I was so damn frustrated. there were 3 vans going and only 5 of my friends going!
that was so unfair:(
kak mira haizum and biha couldnt follow us:( only tim shifa aineen anati and kak erah. thanks guys. haha
i thought i was already late my friends all brought my bags downstairs and we waited for the van and other mates to arrive for like an hour ++
hampeh, baik tido dulu
and plus, omar forgot to bring his hard disc,
i wanted one tree hill and prison break season finale so damn much-.-'
seems like i have to download them all
but well i cant really blame him because he was so busy and he did help me A LOT!
thanks eh pakcik!
well i received a lot of presents. going to upload the pictures soon. bears from shifa and kak mira, a clock from biha and haizum, a cute blouse from aineen, scarf from timah, key chain from dila, chocolates from hasif omar afif anati and 25 cent from bob with his sign on it.haha
well i'm bringing them all to shahputra haha and the chocolates i haven't eaten them.sayanggg:D
um i reached Malaysia 2 days ago . As soon as i reached here, i went to ampang to meet my grandmother. So there was um, rendang, masak lemak cili api, big apple, bawal masak merah, sambal minyak! hahaa the next day i ate nasi lemak, nasi beriyani, padprik, tomyam, KERABU MANGGA etc etc. and now i am already in Kuantan going to Shahputra on Monday. I wonder what's going to happen. hehe. the thing is, i don't feel all jakun seeing things here, its like im used to everything. its like i never ever left malaysia.haha it's good, perhaps.:DD
So i was so busy for the past two days. Went to clinic, made a new bank card, went for medical check up, packing , borang borang etc etc.
But it was all worth it:D
so just going to relax today and tomorrow here, going to the beach, swimming pool sleep sleep, online online eat eat here with family and grandmother and an aunt:D
yayyy wish me luck okay:D
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